
Hawaii Behavioral Health Dashboard: Defining the Magnitude of the Behavioral Health Problem

Learn about a data dashboard that's been created in Hawaii for behavioral health and social determinants of health.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Emergency Medicine

Rethinking ED Notes: Note Bloat, Documentation Burden, and the 2023 E&M Coding Changes

Lessons Learned on Cybersecurity from the EHR Vendor’s Perspective

Emergency Medicine and Cybersecurity

What is Clinical Informatics?

Sharing Notes with Patients - EM and the 21st Century Cures Act

Things You Can Do on Your Own - EPOWERdoc

Things You Can Do on Your Own - Cerner

Things You Can Do on Your Own - Epic

Working Directly With Your Vendor - EPOWERdoc

Engage Your Physician Group or Hospital IT - EPOWERdoc

Working Directly With Your Vendor - Cerner

Engage Your Physician Group or Hospital IT - Cerner

Working Directly With Your Vendor - Epic

Engage Your Physician Group or Hospital IT - Epic

Health Information Technology

ACEP4U: Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Electronic Health Records