Membership Dues and Eligibility

The College has established membership categories so that emergency physicians may join with their colleagues to improve emergency care.

ACEP Membership is available to physician emergency specialists who meet one of the following requirements:

Regular members of the College are physicians who devote a significant portion of their medical endeavors to emergency medicine. All regular members must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Satisfactory completion of an emergency medicine residency program accredited by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
  2. Satisfactory completion of an emergency medicine residency program approved by an ACEP-recognized accrediting body in a foreign country.
  3. Satisfactory completion of a subspecialty training program in pediatric emergency medicine accredited by the ACGME.
  4. Primary board certification by an emergency medicine certifying body recognized by ACEP.
  5. Eligibility for active membership in the College (as defined by the College Bylaws then in force) at any time prior to close of business December 31, 1999.

Experiencing an unanticipated financial hardship? You may be eligible for a dues waiver. Read the eligibility guidelines and learn how to apply.

Regular Membership

  • Chapter membership is required. Members must choose a chapter based on the location of their practice or residence. Members employed by the military or other government services are urged to join the Government Services Chapter.
  • New Regular members in military service receive a more-than 50% reduction in dues their first year and a more-than 33% reduction their second year.
  • Annual dues: $695

Retired Membership

  • Any member who has retired from clinical practice may be eligible (subject to verification)
  • National dues are $211 - a fraction of the price of regular membership, BUT state chapter dues vary
  • Does not affect FACEP status
  • Maintains all regular membership benefits

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International Membership

Available to any emergency physician who is not a resident of the United States or a possession thereof, and who is licensed to practice medicine by the government where they reside and practice.

Graduating Emergency Medicine Residents

Save with ACEP’s Attending Membership Bundle. Special membership pricing exclusively for graduating residents is availble, including expanded resources needed at this pivotal time, including PEERprep, ACEP's board certification prep course. 
  • $25 a month, auto-renewed for 3 years after residency graduation
If you would rather pay year to year and pay seperately for board prep and other resources, ACEP offers the following membership dues structure:
  • First year following graduation: $159
  • Second year following graduation: $317
  • Third year following graduation: $475
  • Fourth year following graduation: $695 (full dues)

EMRA Alumni Membership

An opportunity for ACEP members to continue their relationship with EMRA. All EMRA alumni members must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Any former active or international member of the Association who has a continued interest in the organization
  • Any physician who completed an ACGME or AOA accredited emergency medicine residency program
  • Any physician who is board certified by ABEM or AOBEM
  • Any physician who completed a training program outside the United States or Canada in Emergency Medicine or Pediatric Emergency Medicine that is certified by an equivalent international certifying body recognized by ACEP
  • As of April 2, 2019, current alumni members eligible under previous criteria who maintain continuous membership will be allowed to continue membership

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Available to

  • Medical Students
  • Interns
  • Physicians participating in an ACGME accredited emergency medicine residency program
  • Physicians participating in an ACGME accredited fellowship program
  • Physicians in the uniformed services, while serving as general medical officers

Medical students, interns, and physicians participating in an ACGME accredited emergency medicine residency or an ACGME accredited fellowship are encouraged to join the Emergency Medicine Residents' Association at the same time by completing the joint application for membership. Residents may join both ACEP and EMRA for a low annual combined dues of $115. A joint membership for medical students is $70 annually. Multiple -year membership rates are available for residents in their first year of a three-year program or in the first and second years of a four-year program. A two year discounted rate is available for medical students. Memberships in EMRA/ACEP have a common expiration date of July 1. Please call or text 888-817-2237 for more information. Dues rates for national and chapters are listed on the application for membership. The membership year for candidate members is renewable annually on July 1.

General Medical Officers who have been members of ACEP as medical students or emergency medicine residents may continue their membership for a maximum of four years as a candidate member in ACEP and inactive members in EMRA. During their tour of duty as a GMO, a dues rate of $308 of the ACEP Regular Membership dues rate for the first year, and $410 of the ACEP Regular Membership dues rate for the second apply. This category of membership is also available to General Medical Officers who are joining ACEP for the first time. No discounts apply for the subsequent years.

Applicable chapter dues rates apply for all types of candidate membership. Dues rates for national and chapter dues are listed on the application for membership and are also listed below. Please call 800-798-1822, press 5, for more information. Dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for tax purposes. However, they may be deductible as a business expense subject to restrictions imposed as a result of association lobbying activities. ACEP estimates the nondeductible portion of your national dues to be 25%.

Chapter Dues

DUES TABLE   Regular Grad yr 1 Grad yr 2 Grad yr 3  
NATIONAL $695 $159 $317 $475
ALABAMA $200 $200 $200 $200
ALASKA $75 $75 $75 $75
ARIZONA $285 $71 $143 $214
ARKANSAS $150 $150 $150 $150
CALIFORNIA $350 $100 $225 $350
COLORADO $260 $83 $145 $198
CONNECTICUT $200 $200 $200 $200
DELAWARE $100 $60 $70 $80
DIST COLUMBIA $85 $85 $85 $85
FLORIDA $425 $94 $188 $281
GEORGIA $275 $69 $138 $206
HAWAII** $150/$0** $150 $150 $150
IDAHO $120 $120 $120 $120
ILLINOIS $399 $100 $240 $399
INDIANA $250 $200 $225 $250
IOWA $225 $225 $225 $225
KANSAS $100 $100 $100 $100
KENTUCKY $100 $40 $100 $100
LOUISIANA $150 $150 $150 $150
MAINE $325 $100 $175 $250
MARYLAND $265 $130 $265 $265
MASSACHUSETTS $350 $175 $225 $275
MICHIGAN $445 $169 $334 $445
MINNESOTA $250 $100 $250 $250
MISSISSIPPI $100 $100 $100 $100
MISSOURI $225 $225 $225 $225
MONTANA $100 $100 $100 $100
NEBRASKA $95 $95 $95 $95
NEVADA $175 $75 $125 $175
NEW HAMPSHIRE $100 $100 $100 $100
NEW JERSEY $275 $100 $150 $200
NEW MEXICO $150 $150 $150 $150
NEW YORK $250 $125 $250 $250
N CAROLINA $250 $150 $175 $250
N DAKOTA $75 $75 $75 $75
OHIO $385 $175 $233 $350
OKLAHOMA $175 $100 $120 $175
OREGON $295 $100 $200 $295
PENNSYLVANIA $340 $170 $340 $340
RHODE ISLAND $150 $150 $150 $150
S CAROLINA $255 $100 $150 $200
S DAKOTA $40 $40 $40 $40
TENNESSEE $250 $250 $250 $250
TEXAS $400 $100 $200 $300
UTAH $150 $150 $150 $150
VERMONT $100 $100 $100 $100
VIRGINIA $380 $125 $250 $380
WASHINGTON $225 $0 $225 $225
WEST VIRGINIA $350 $88 $175 $263
WISCONSIN $320 $165 $320 $320
WYOMING $50 $50 $50 $50
PUERTO RICO $100 $100 $100 $100
GOVT SVCS $160 $75 $160 $160

*Dues are subject to change.
**For new members only.

ACEP dues are nonrefundable and are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. However, they may be tax-deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses subject to restrictions imposed as a result of association lobbying activities. Dues rates are subject to change based on chapter and national Board of Directors' actions.

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