Leadership & Advocacy Conference

  • You Made LAC24 Impactful

    More than 400 attendees had challenging conversations about socially emerging issues. Nearly 300 meetings took place with U.S. Senators & Reps from 46 states.

    We spoke out on issues that matter most to us.

    Read the Recaps Get Your CME
  • Get Ready for ACEP's Leadership & Advocacy Conference in 2025

    Be part of the change you want to see in health care.
    April 27 - 29, 2025 in Washington, DC

    Join the Interest List Book Your LAC 2025 Hotel Room

NEXT YEAR'S EVENT - April 27 - 29, 2025

Celebrate emergency medicine’s accomplishments and advocate in person to policymakers for a better environment for your specialty and your patients.

Together, we’ll

  • tackle problems facing EM such as the current boarding crisis,
  • develop tools to advocate at all levels, and
  • build relationships with policymakers and fellow advocates.

Seasoned participants will build upon their already-valuable connections. First-timers will be trained on effective ways to educate your Members of Congress.

Advocacy isn’t just about Congress, though. Learn how to also advocate for yourself within the workplace to improve your livelihood.

Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Join the 2025 Interest List


  • I left feeling I was part of something larger than myself and was able to speak up for thousands of patients impacted by these issues

  • Great to interact with ACEP leaders in a manner that can directly impact our practice

  • Gives you pride in the profession

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