Federal Advocacy Overview

A Unified Voice for Emergency Physicians

"Emergency medicine is being attacked from all sides. We need to fight for our patients, friends and family."

Ryan Stanton, MD, FACEP

ACEP is an active force in Washington, D.C., working on important issues that affect emergency medical care. ACEP's federal advocacy efforts revolve around one thing: ensuring that life-saving emergency care is there when it's needed nationwide. Through the 911 Legislative Grassroots Network, ACEP empowers members to cultivate long-term relationships with federal legislators and their staff to convey ACEP’s legislative priorities in an effective manner. The National Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee (NEMPAC) is ACEP’s bi-partisan political action committee through which ACEP members can collectively support the election or re-election of federal candidates who share their commitment to emergency medicine and patients. 

In addition to advocacy on Capitol Hill, ACEP monitors and responds to federal regulations and other policies developed by federal agencies—such as Medicare and Medicaid—to advocate on behalf of our members to reduce burdensome requirements that impact their ability to treat patients, improve federal reimbursement, and eliminate unfair billing practices instituted by payers that potentially violate federal laws and regulations such as EMTALA and the prudent layperson standard.

Current Advocacy Initiatives

Surprise Billing

Workforce Issues

EHR Burden

Medicare Reimbursement

Medicare / Medicaid

Drug Shortages

Emergency Medicine APMs

Mental Health

Health Care Reform

Access to EM

Liability Reform

Value of EM

Letters to Congress

ED Violence


Advocacy Image Gallery

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