September 26, 2024

Innovative Change in Practice Management Award - William Francis, MD

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William Francis, MD, MSEM, BSEE, is an emergency physician with Vituity, practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is the founder and director of the Contra Costa County Family Justice Center Healthcare Access Partnership, which provides high-quality, nonjudgmental, and free healthcare to survivors of interpersonal violence. This initiative includes two community interventions: the provision of medical, post-trauma, and psychiatric care through the TeleCARE and Trauma Recovery Center programs, and the integration of healthcare access points with community social service organizations to deliver comprehensive, wraparound services for survivors.

Dr. Francis earned his undergraduate and master’s degrees in engineering from Santa Clara University, graduating in 2006. He then attended medical school at the University of Vermont, where he developed a strong interest in pediatrics and emergency care. In 2011, he began his residency at the University of Connecticut, serving as President of the Resident Forum and representing 650 residents and fellows. After completing his residency, Dr. Francis joined Vituity and is currently an attending physician at Sutter Delta in Antioch, California. He has been recognized for excellence in emergency medicine and clinical education. Dr. Francis is the recipient of multiple innovation and community grants for clinical services.

Beyond his clinical practice, Dr. Francis is actively involved in hospital committees, advocates for excellence in pediatric and family care, and is dedicated to clinical education. His commitment to community partnership is evident through his leadership in outreach and education collaborations, providing opportunities for hospital systems to engage with the community. Dr. Francis has been a key leader in initiatives with the Family Justice Center, STAND! For Families Free of Violence, the Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse, local shelters, EMS, law enforcement and hospital systems, working to ensure access to high-quality healthcare and supporting violence prevention programs.

About This Award

The Innovative Change in Practice Management Award is given to an emergency physician who has developed an innovative process, solution, technology or product to solve a significant problem in the practice of emergency medicine.

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