September 26, 2024

Council Curmudgeon Award - Phillip Luke LeBas, MD, FACEP


Phillip Luke LeBas, MD, FACEP, FAWM, graduated from the American University of the Caribbean - School of Medicine in 2007 and then completed a prelim year of Internal Medicine in 2008 at LSU-New Orleans and subsequently a residency in Emergency Medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS in 2011.

His first job out of training was a lifelong dream of becoming clinical faculty in Emergency Medicine at the fabled LSU Charity Hospital in New Orleans. Besides working predominately in the academic setting, he sought out part-time rural/community work and incorporated that mindset and practice pattern into his education of medical students and residents. After leaving Charity, Dr. LeBas now works exclusively in rural and critical access facilities.

Even with having no real exposure to organized medicine in school or residency, Dr. LeBas quickly realized the importance of this aspect of the house of medicine, becoming an ACEP Council member in just his second year out from residency. Since that time, he has become active with his state ACEP chapter as legislative lead until 2022, attended LAC every year since 2013 and has only missed one Council meeting in that time. Over the years he has been a longstanding member of both the State Legislative/Regulatory committee and the Federal Government Regulatory committee, as well as serving one term on Steering and is a current member of the NEMPAC Board.

Going forward, Dr. LeBas plans to stay active within ACEP, seeking opportunities to continue his work in health policy and legislative advocacy.

About This Award

The Council Curmudgeon Award recognizes, in a lighthearted way, deserving Council participants that have contributed to the Annual Meeting in a unique, eccentric, humorous (sly wit), or cleverly astute manner.

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