April 19, 2024

Daniel Udrea, MD

Daniel Udrea, MD, has a goal and it isn’t to simply volunteer. He strives to use his passion, interests and gifts to give back. He does this as the Chair-Elect for the ACEP Young Physicians Section (YPS).

“ACEP is a big organization, but it’s an organization formed of its constituents. That means the policies that you or I help craft have the potential to positively impact health care anywhere along the continuum of local, state, and national policies,” he said.

He saw that he could make a difference by serving, so he jumped at the chance to get involved.

“I was excited to attend my first ACEP YPS meeting not too long ago and when the opportunity to serve came up, it was an easy answer - sign me up,” he said. “I wanted to be a part of shaping the future of emergency medicine and I saw that the YPS was the best place to start as an early-career physician.”

Dr. Udrea has always had a passion for emergency medicine, as well being a difference maker with his colleagues and patients. He enjoys getting to know fellow physicians who have a similar enthusiasm.

“Physician advocates are an incredibly passionate group of human beings and have helped me understand the nuanced system of health care we all live and breathe,” he said.

His volunteer work helps him feel engaged in actively shaping a better future for emergency medicine.

“It’s given me a sense of purpose beyond the day-to-day shifts in the ED and allows me to contribute to the greater good of my co-physicians and the patients we serve,” he said.

He’s also developed leadership skills and forged new friendships with colleagues nationwide.

“These skills and connections have helped me gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our specialty. I’m here to play a small part, and to help others experience how rewarding advocacy can truly be,” he said.

ACEP Has 31 Committees Working on Issues Important to You


Committee Applicants

Interested in volunteering for a national committee? Applications are due May 15. 

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