Career Center

Your Career Journey

You deserve to make career decisions based on what matters most to you. ACEP wants to empower and equip you to take control of your career journey. We are committed to supporting diversity and advancement in the field of EM.

Read our Commitment

Finding the Right Job

Browse through the largest job bank of validated emergency physician positions to discover the perfect position.

Vetted Job Bank

Picking The Right Employer

The ACEP Open Book Project provides members a tool for evaluating EM employers based on their personal priorities.

ACEP Open Book

Scoring The Best Salary

Review trends, compare regions, consider your options as you negotiate your salary.

Compensation Comparisons

Negotiating The Strongest Contract

Before you sign on the dotted line, ensure you’re asking the right questions and considering all the benefits that matter most to you.

  • This members-only toolkit features need-to-know FAQs about insurance, contract and legal questions during employer transitions.
  • Receive 20% off employment contract review services from Resolve.

Ensuring You’re Covered

Protect yourself and your family with the best insurance coverage for your situation.

Taking Your Next Step

Ready to consider establishing a new group? We have resources to help.

Building Your Financial Future

Plan your path to your financial goals with ACEP's member-only partner discounts.

New Resource Levels Up Employer Transparency

To address the safety, transparency, and simplicity of the EM job market, ACEP has recently partnered with Ivy Clinicians to create ACEP Open Book, the core of which is a survey of employers about their practices and characteristics. Increased employer transparency allows you to make the best choice for your professional goals. 

Open Book

Featured Job Listings

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