Alabama | No information available |
Alaska | One primary medical liability carrier (a physician owed mutual) insures approximately 75% of the open market. |
Arizona | One primary medical liability carrier (a physician owed mutual) insures approximately 75% of the open market. |
Arkansas | The Arkansas Insurance Department reported that 88 companies carried liability polices in 1996. In 2003, only nine did and only four companies were considering new policies. |
California | No information available |
Colorado | No information available |
Connecticut | No information available |
Delaware | No information available |
Florida | The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation reported four new insurers entering the state at the end of 2003. Six new insurers entered the market from 2003 to 2005. In 2010, the Office of Insurance Regulation reported that 10 new insurers entered the state in 2009. |
Georgia | Mag Mutual reports that its med mal insurance market share fell from 66.1% in 2004 to 50.2% in 2012 after tort reforms increased the number of insurers writing policies. |
Hawaii | No information available |
Idaho | No information available |
Illinois | In November of 2006, a new insurance company, Doctors Direct, was formed to compete with ISMIE. The company believes it can provide reduced premiums for high-risk specialists. Another insurer, MedPro also anticipated increasing its business in the state. |
Indiana | In 2005, Indiana ACEP reported that only one insurer is still writing policies, and only for physicians who are claim free for five years. |
Iowa | No information available |
Kansas | No information available |
Kentucky | No information available |
Louisiana | No information available |
Maine | In October 2008, the state's largest liability insurer, Medical Mutual Insurance Company, imposed an overall average net rate reduction of 10.8 percent. |
Maryland | Medical Mutual Liability insures about 75 percent of physicians in Maryland, according to the state Insurance Administration |
Massachusetts | More than 1,600 Massachusetts physicians were impacted in the wake of Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Company (MLMIC) leaving the Commonwealth. MLMIC’s departure leaves only two commercial insurers remaining. (AMA) |
Michigan | No information available |
Minnesota | Midwest Medical Insurance Co., the state’s largest malpractice carrier, said that because of an increase in claims and awards, it limited emergency physician coverage to doctors who practice at 30 Minnesota hospitals that the company also insures. |
Mississippi | No information available |
Missouri | According to the state medical association, more than 30 insurance companies were licensed to write liability insurance in the state two years ago. Currently, only three write new policies. Three companies (PHICO, Chicago and St. Paul) which accounted for almost one third of Missouri's market in 2001, are gone |
Montana | The state medical society reports only two companies writing policies in 2005, with six leaving the state in preceding years. |
Nebraska | No information available |
Nevada | No information available |
New Hampshire | No information available |
New Jersey | No information available |
New Mexico | No information available |
New York | No information available |
North Carolina | Of the 4 primary insurers in the state, two stopped writing new policies for emergency physicians in 2003 and two have restricted coverage for emergency physicians. |
North Dakota | No information available |
Ohio | Five insurers write about three-fourths of liability policies in the state. From 2000-2002, nine insurers left the market prior to the enactment of reforms. Since the reforms were passed, two new insurers entered the market in 2004 and 2005. (Ohio Medical Malpractice Commission). |
Oklahoma | In 2004, the state insurance department ordered Physicians Liability Insurance Co., which insures about 80 percent of Oklahoma's physicians, to be placed under the agency's formal supervision. The insurance commissioner stated that the insurer is technically Insolvent and while it can currently pay claims, it lacks the reserves to pay anticipated future claims. |
Oregon | No information available |
Pennsylvania | PMSLIC, the largest carrier in the state, announced it would begin writing policies to new clients as of January 2006. In April 2009, Governor Rendell reported that the number of companies offering coverage increased from three in 2002 to 57 in 2009. |
Rhode Island | No information available |
South Carolina | No information available |
South Dakota | No information available |
Tennessee | Insurance Availability |
Texas | The Texas Department of Insurance reported that there were 17 insurers writing policies in 1999, which fell to 4 in 2002. As of February of 2005, news reports stated that 15 new insurance companies have started selling malpractice insurance in Texas or would do so soon. |
Utah | No information available |
Vermont | No information available |
Virginia | No information available |
Washington | Physicians Insurance provides malpractice insurance to about 70% of physicians in the state. |
West Virginia | Revenue for malpractice insurers in West Virginia in 2005 exceeded costs by more than 200%, according to a report recently released by the state Insurance Commission. |
Wisconsin | No information available |
Wyoming | In 2004, Wyoming's largest medical malpractice insurer - OHIC Insurance - said it would stop writing policies in the state. OHIC provided about 43% of the state's medical malpractice market. |