Help Build the Next Generation of EM Solutions

Be in the driver’s seat heading to EM innovation - Sign up for HackED

Presented in conjunction with Stanford University StEMI X Innovators, the Emergency Medicine Innovation Collaborative, ACEP Emergency Medicine Data Institute, and ACEP’s Health IT Committee, HackED can help solve your most pressing emergency medicine problems.

Harness the power of emergency medicine problem-solving and build your own solutions alongside the technical know-how of proven innovators.

We’re in Las Vegas this year, home to some of the largest tech gatherings. Let's lean into that proximity and leverage some EM innovation during ACEP24. 

Sign Up & Hack Away What Are Days Like?

HackED Basics

  • Any ACEP24 registered attendee can sign up
  • HackED! is free for ACEP24 attendees to participate
  • Showcased on the floor of the ACEP24 Exhibit Hall at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center
  • Choose one of two tracks (see more below):
    • Innovation Challenge
    • Hackathon 
  • For two-and-a-half days, teams consisting of diverse experts will work on impactful, practical EM solutions.
    • Design speaker series coming Summer 2024
    • In-person event September 29 - October 1, 2024
    • Pitch competition on October 1, 2024
  • Concepts and works-in-progress can be viewed each day.
  • All ACEP24 attendees can provide feedback as the teams work on their solutions.
  • Prizes will be awarded from a panel of judges.

Sign Up & Hack Away


Learn About the 2024 HackED Design Speaker Series and Tracks

The Design Speaker Series will kick off Summer 2024.

Choose from two tracks - Innovation Challenge or Hackathon.

You, along with your team members who represent subject matter expertise across clinical and technical domains, will receive information that describes a problem, relevant literature, and any resources (such as data or an example app) that may be helpful.

Teams, organized in advance of ACEP24, will be self-governed and are responsible for coordinating their workflows and schedules. Coaches will be made available for each team.

Design Speaker Series

The Design Speaker Series is set to help participants to navigate from idea to product and pitch. The speaker series will kick off Summer 2024.

Each session will be made available to participants to attend live and will be recorded for viewing on this page.

We have a fantastic list of speakers ready to help you navigate through your HackED journey.


Innovation Challenge

Emergency Physicians can build and design innovative models that address the question: “How might we improve acute care in terms of experience, outcomes, or cost?”

This track aims to create a refined idea with a pitch deck that will be presented during the pitch competition (fully built end-to-end products are not required). 

Participants can choose from a variety of paths:

  • Social EM
    • Exploring the intersection of social determinants and the acute care system and how these act together to impact patients and our most vulnerable communities
  • Health Policy
    • Designing new frameworks for care model reimbursement or delivery
  • Acute Care Inside the ED
    • Addressing efficiency, safety, quality, and outcomes of acute care delivered within the four walls of an ED
  • Acute Care Outside the ED
    • Designing new care delivery models (e.g., virtual triage, urgent care models, hospital at home, freestanding EDs)
  • Devices
    • Supporting physical device innovation supporting point-of-care diagnostics, imaging or treatment (e.g., ultrasound, intubation) or remote patient modeling


This track focuses exclusively on Hospital at Home (H@H), an emerging trend for patients who require inpatient care but will receive it in their home. This trend will directly affect the discharge process for patients, as many H@H admissions may come from ED visits. Emergency physicians may be involved in the care of the H@H patients, as their expertise involves observation medicine and treatment of acute care issues.

Participants will work in teams to build a unique end-to-end solution for implementing a hospital at home program. Hackathon participants will have access to digital tools and data to support the development of their products. Teams can begin designing and building as soon as they are formed. All hackathon teams will present their products through a pitch competition that will occur on the final day of ACEP23.


More About the Competition

HackED will be judged by a mix of physician leaders, innovators, informaticists, and technical experts. On the last day of HackED, the judges and audience will hear members of the teams pitch their solutions.

Judges Criteria

  • Feasibility/Viability
  • Impact
  • Progress

Important Participant Information

  • Bring your own devices
  • Engagement > Skills
  • If your plans change and you cannot attend or cannot fully commit, let ACEP know as soon as possible

Sample HackED! Schedule

Day One

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11:00am – 11:15am

Introduction/ Welcome

11:10am – 11:30am

EM Innovation Stage Speaker

11:30am – 12:00pm

Team meeting with coaches

12:00pm - 12:30pm

Team building exercise

12:30pm – 1:30pm

Break for Lunch

1:30pm - 2:30pm

Innovation iteration #1

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Pitch / Debugging office hours.


Team status update report out through app

Day Two

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9:30am – 9:40am

Coach check-in

9:40am – 9:50am

Judges/Investors Check-In with teams

9:50am - 10:05am

EM Innovation Stage Speaker

10:05am - 10:35am

Team building exercise

10:35am – 12:30pm

Innovation iteration #2

12:30pm – 1:30pm

Break for lunch

1:30pm - 2:30pm

Innovation iteration #3

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Pitch / Debugging office hours


Team status update report out through app

Day Three

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9:30am – 9:40am

Coach check-in

9:40am - 10:00am


10:00am – 2:30pm

Pitch Competition*

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Judges deliberation / Thank you to sponsors

2:45pm - 3:00pm

EM Innovation Stage Speaker

3:00pm – 3:15pm

Winners for Innovation Challenge and Hackathon announced

3:15pm – 3:30pm

Ending address

*Times are subject to change.
Length of Pitch Competition will be determined by the number of teams presenting.

hackED! Video Series

HackED! Design Series - Developing a Compelling Pitch

HackED! Deep Dive - Acute Care Inside the ED

HackED Design Series MVP and Product Market Fit

HackED! Deep Dive - AI in EM

HackED! Design Series - Business Model Design

HackED! Deep Dive - Health Policy

HackED! Design Series - Technology Design

HackED! Information Session

HackED! Deep Dive Session - Pitch Deck Evaluation

HackED! Design Speaker Series - Care Model Design

HackED! Design Speaker Series - Clinical Needfinding

HackED! Deep Dive Session - How to Start a Company as a Physician

HackED! Design Speaker Series - Clinical Needfinding

September 29 - October 2

You've Built a Life in Emergency Medicine

Reconnect with friends from every chapter of your career at ACEP24

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