Rural Emergency Quality Series - Chest Pain

Webinar 1: "Introduction: Rural Emergency Quality Series - Chest Pain"
Our first webinar reviews E-QUAL, outlines the rural chest pain toolkit, and introduces us to our ACE - Mat-Su Regional Medical Center in Palmer, Alaska. 

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Webinar 2: "Foundations for Rural Chest Pain QI"
Our second webinar outlines the implementation and initiation of chest pain QI initiatives for your rural ED. We hear from our ACE, Mat-Su Regional Medical Center about their process as they share valuable insights into their hospital's programs. 

This webinar includes several ready-to-use tools for your rural Chest Pain QI project:

  1. "Introduction to E-QUAL" - presentation for your staff, explaining EQUAL and chest pain QI
  2. "One-pager Kick-off" - document that can be circulated to your c-suite and community, explaining your efforts to improve chest pain care in your ED
  3. Our ACE's Chest Pain protocols - designed specifically for the low-resource setting 

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Webinar 3: "Scaling it up - Statewide STEMI Care" 
Our third webinar explores statewide STEMI networks - discussing their benefits and the steps towards creating a state-based chest pain and STEMI initiative. Our rural experts from Mat-Su Regional return to tell us about Alaska's statewide STEMI initiative. 

This webinar includes ready-to-use tools from Mat-Su and the Alaska Statewide STEMI initiative. 
Mat-Su's Patient with Suspicion of STEMI Algorithm 
Alaska's Statewide STEMI Recommendations

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Interested in further information from our ACE? 
Contact Dr. Anne Zink, the Medical Director of Mat-Su Regional Hospital (

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