Emergency Department Boarding Stories

Table of Contents

Everything with nothing


"We are a 30-ish bed ED. It has become a daily occurrence for over 25 of our beds to be occupied by boarders. With over 130 patients arriving requesting emergency care per day, there is no way to efficiently see our patients. Long ago, we resorted to seeing patients in hallway beds and chairs and are getting ready to resort to seeing them in the waiting room.

We are expected to do everything with nothing.

It's embarrassing to have such limited resources to offer patients who arrive in distress. I am aware of at least two cases where someone has died due to delays in being seen. Multiple providers have left our department due to the stress of an untenable work environment. We have been asked to do more with less to the point that it feels like we are expected to do everything with nothing."

In the waiting room

We are a 28-bed ED and on a daily basis have 60+ patients in our department while consistently board...

An afterthought

We are a 38 bed ED, usually with 30-40 patients in the waiting room and many EMS patients waiting fo...

Not a safe situation

We are a 25 bed ED but were using hallway beds numbered 1-18 as well on this particular day.

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