Emergency Medicine Wellness Center of Excellence Award


The Emergency Medicine Wellness Center Excellence Award is presented to an emergency medicine group, department, or clinical site that incorporates wellness and resilience on an institutional level and to use the information gathered in the nominations process to understand more about wellness best practices.

2024 Recipient


Department of Emergency Medicine at New York-Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medicine


The Emergency Medicine Wellness Center of Excellence Award is a plaque, or similar item, awarded to an emergency medicine department, group, or clinical site that demonstrates wellness best practices and may be displayed at their location. The recipient organization’s name will be inscribed on a master plaque at ACEP Headquarters. The award will be presented at the annual Wellness Section meeting during the ACEP annual meeting. The recipient will also be recognized on ACEP’s Website, included in other ACEP communications as part of the annual awards recognition process, and will be honored during ACEP’s awards recognition events during the annual meeting.


Any member of the College, or any component body, may nominate any emergency medicine department, group, or clinical site that demonstrates a commitment to both organizational wide and promotion of personal wellness and resilience among its emergency medicine physicians.


The Well-Being Committee will evaluate all nominations submitted by the deadline. The nominee should demonstrate an institutional commitment to wellness and resilience and serve as a model to other organizations. Activities that are appropriate for evaluating nominations include but are not limited to:

  • Significantly helped to advance the understanding of emergency medicine physician wellness.
  • Developed specific, identifiable wellness and resilience programs for physicians.
  • Demonstrate engagement in physician wellness and resilience at all levels of leadership.
  • Wellness officer or champion.
  • Offer a variety of wellness programs in different domains of wellness,
  • Offer both institutional level and individual level programs and support for physician wellness and resilience.
  • Employing formal methods of evaluating the wellness and resilience programs in place.

Past Recipients

2021 Indiana University
2022 Riverside Community Hospital at UC Riverside
2023 University of Cincinnati
2024 Weill Cornell Medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital

Entry Procedures and Selection Process

Any ACEP member who wishes to nominate a candidate should complete a nomination form and outline the nominee’s wellness best practices. Submit the nomination form, nominee’s curriculum vitae, and up to three letters of support through the online form located on the ACEP website. Letters of support are greatly encouraged and are at the discretion of the nominator. Additionally, a nominee should have only one nomination whether from an individual or from a chapter, committee, section, or individual. All entries must be submitted no later than the publicized deadline. Receipt of each nomination will be confirmed by email. Please follow up if you do not receive a confirmation.


The ACEP Well-Being Committee will judge the entries and submit recommendations for review by the ACEP Board of Directors. The decision of the Board is final, and the Board reserves the right to make no award if there are no nominees of sufficient merit. The Board may also decide to grant the award to more than one recipient.

Priority scoring will be given to institutions that adhere to the Well Workplace Policy Statement, with emphasis on the following sections:

  • #2- Facility Amenities
  • #3- Workplace Safety & Violence Prevention
  • #6- Mental Health & Early Recognition  
  • #14- Burden Reduction (Admin Tasks)
  • #16-Wellness Evaluation and Accountability
  • #18- Wellness Committees and Programs
  • #21-Schedule Optimization
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