Cytovale: Detect Sepsis with Confidence - How the IntelliSep Sepsis Test Can Transform ED Triage
Sunday, September 29
11:30 am – 12:15 pm
Location: Exhibit Hall, Expert Theater 2
Hollis (Bud) O’Neal, MD, MSc - Associate Professor of Medicine and Medical Director of Research, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
Mark Laperouse, MD - Medical Director of Emergency Services, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
Theater Information
Join us for a lunch symposium on Cytovale’s IntelliSep sepsis test. Dr. Chadd Kraus will talk about the need for better sepsis diagnostics in the Emergency Department and how host response technology can help. You will learn how the novel IntelliSep test provides rapid sepsis detection, indicated for use in the Emergency Department where >80% of septic cases present. You also will hear directly from current users at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Dr. Dr. Hollis O’Neal and Dr. Mark Laperouse, about how they implemented IntelliSep and the impact it has had on delivering more patient-centric care.
Supported by Cytovale