Research Forum

Pair the Science with the Education at ACEP's Research Forum

The ACEP Research Forum showcases original work during emergency medicine’s premier research event. Typically each year, more than 400 abstracts are presented live during the event.

Research Forum is held in conjunction with ACEP's Annual Meeting.

Register for ACEP24

The Research Forum 2023 abstract submission process is closed.

ACEP’s abstract submission site requires that you have an ACEP account. If you are an ACEP member, or have an existing ACEP account, sign in with your usual username and password to access the submission site. If you are not a member and do not have an account, you will need to create one before you can submit. Creating an ACEP account is free and does not require membership.

Research Forum 2024 List of Abstract Acceptances


Research Forum Leadership

Research Forum 2023 Plenary Session Abstracts

Research Forum 2023 Abstracts - Annals Supplement

Abstracts will be peer reviewed for presentation at the 2024 Research Forum.

Research Forum Award Recipients

Research Forum Medical Student Scholar Program

Questions, comments, or suggestions about the next Research Forum? Contact us today!

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