July 11, 2024

CalACEP Advocacy Leads to Historic Medicaid Reimbursement Increase

The newly approved budget for the state of California includes a historic increase in Medi-Cal reimbursement for emergency physicians. CalACEP was instrumental in securing the boost.

Beginning January 1, 2025, Medi-Cal reimbursement for E&M codes will increase to 90% of Medicare and reimbursement for procedures will increase to 80% of Medicare. Reimbursement for emergency physicians treating Medi-Cal patients is currently at approximately 54% of Medicare.

The CalACEP advocacy campaign included more than 9,800 messages to state legislators to make sure that emergency physicians were heard directly about the impact of these decisions on practices and patients.  

“This was an uphill battle. California was facing a massive budget deficit; all sectors of the budget were decimated,” said Elena Lopez-Gusman, CalACEP executive director. “We were the only physician specialty to receive an increase—this is a proud victory and testament to the valuable care our members provide every day.”

Learn more about ACEP state chapter advocacy here.


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