Annals Author Survey

*1. Compared to other journals you've submitted to, did you find Annals prompt and responsive?
*2. Did you feel the review process improved your manuscript?
*3. Were our communications and reviews courteous, knowledgeable, and helpful to you?
*4. After this peer review experience at Annals, would you be likely to submit to us again, or recommend us to other researchers?
*5. Did you benefit from the comments provided by the peer reviewers? (Does not include comments from the editor).
*6. Did they suggest any new ideas or new solutions that were not initially in your paper?
*7. If they did, did you incorporate any of their suggestions into the manuscript?
*8. Did they identify any errors (other than minor ones like spelling, grammar, etc) in the manuscript?
*9. Did they misunderstand any major aspect of your manuscript?
*10. Please rate your assessment of Annals efforts (which are based on ICMJE recommendations) to standardize reporting of authors' potential conflicts of interest.
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