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EM Understands

Let’s Lean On Each Other

We are 20 months into a global pandemic, and emergency physicians are exhausted. But you aren't in this alone. Your ACEP community is experiencing many of the same frustrations. In these videos, EM physicians talk about how they're feeling and what's helping them cope.

The next question is, how are you feeling? Do you want to join this conversation and share your own thoughts? We're inviting written and video contributions.

How We’re Feeling

View All How We’re Feeling

In This Together - Part 4

Featuring ACEP President Mark Rosenberg, DO, MBA, FACEP

In This Together - Part 3

Featuring Dr. Laura Vanyo (New York City); Dr. John Corker (Cincinnati); and Dr. Andrea Green (Texas).

In This Together - Part 2

Featuring Arvind Venkat, MD, FACEP (Pittsburgh, PA); Andrea Austin, MD, FACEP (San Diego, CA); Kathryn Wiesendanger, Med Student (Dublin, Ireland)

In This Together

View All In This Together

EM Understands: Andrea Green, MD, FACEP (Texas)

"Another thing I like to do are staycations. I'll just watch movies for hours and hours and hours, cook my favorite meal and just sit down and relax."

Lara Vanyo, MD (New York City)

"When I come home and I see my children, when I think about the fact that I have a job and a job where I get to take care of people, or I get to go into work every day and be with my colleagues -- as ...

John Corker, MD, FACEP (Ohio/Texas)

"Reach out to someone else and just tell them how much you love them, admire them, respect them. That can really change things around for them."

Ricky Thompson, DO (Austin, TX)

"When I think about those patients, it reminds me of how proud I am to do this job. And it keeps me going."

Arvind Venkat, MD, FACEP (Pittsburgh)

"I think the most important thing we can do forward, kind of moving forward together, is to be there for each other. To recognize that this is a really tough job, but that we have the opportunity to d...

Gillian Schmitz, MD, FACEP (San Antonio)

"We have nursing shortages, bedding shortages, there are just patients everywhere. It's gotten challenging- emotionally, physically, psychologically."


Join the Conversation

Let's talk about it. We all need a support network who "gets it." Your ACEP community understands what you're going through and how hard it is. Many members have told us that talking to someone who can relate is really helpful.

If you'd like to contribute to this peer support project, we invite you to submit your own video to add to this collection.

If you're more comfortable with the written word, we welcome your emails and will share those contributions here as well. 

By submitting your video or emails, you are giving ACEP permission to use those submissions in official ACEP communications, which might include on our websites, in member emails, on social media and other channels where it may be seen by the public.

#EMUnderstands Video Prompts

Note: You do not have to answer all of these questions – pick what feels right for you.

  1. State your name, job title and location.
  2. Describe how you’re feeling right now or how it compares to the past week, month, year.
  3. What is helping you cope, or find encouragement when you feel down? (This could be anything, from a shift in perspective to something literal like counseling, exercise, family, hobbies. Maybe a recent patient encounter positively impacted you?)
  4. How would you encourage a colleague who is at a low point?
  5. What is one of the best ways a peer has encouraged you when you needed it?


Recording Tips

  1. Record yourself in Zoom or directly on your phone. If recording on your phone, make sure it’s horizontal/landscape format.
  2. Try to film in an area that is well-lit so the viewers can see you well.
  3. An ideal video length is 1-2 minutes.
  4. Upload to acep.wetransfer.com


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