Emergency physicians share many of the same burdens (EHRs come to mind)–but some EM physicians face additional challenges because of their minority status. Encountering harmful stereotypes, stigma and microaggressions can add to a physician’s already-heavy mental load.
Section Support
ACEP’s Diversity Inclusion & Health Equity Section was developed to create an atmosphere of cultural awareness, diversity and inclusion within the EM community and to promote health equity within the communities we serve. Visit the section website for info about its mentorship program, online forum and other ways to get involved.
The American Psychiatric Association offers a variety of resources on its “Mental Health Disparities” page, including separate informational pages about the mental health disparities of diverse populations including a variety of ethnicities, sexual orientation and gender.
Mental Health America has helpful resources that understand a specific lens is required when working with individuals and families with diverse values, beliefs, and sexual orientations, in addition to backgrounds that vary by race, ethnicity, religion, and language. Includes many Spanish resources.
- Minority Mental Health Month is in July.
Psych Hub has an extensive library of Race, Racism & Mental Health resources.
- Black Clinicians on the Trauma of Systemic Injustices
- Minority Resident Physicians’ Views on the Role of Race/Ethnicity in Their Training Experiences in the Workplace
- Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Microaggressions in Medicine
- Three Emergency Medicine Icons Offer Advice for Overcoming Diversity and Inclusion Challenges
- Simple Strategies for Combating Microaggressions in the Workplace
- Minority doctors in US residency programs routinely face racism
- Allies, Advocates and Accomplices Are Critical to Diversity and Inclusion