July 29, 2020

Is There a Key to Sepsis? Unlocking the CBC

Conversation with Industry: Beckman Coulter

This content is written by the company and does not represent the opinions of ACEP.

Case Study: Role of MDW Biomarker in the ED


Join Dr. Nima Sarani from Kansas University Medical Center as he discusses the latest evidence and practical utility of the FDA-cleared Monocyte Distribution Width (MDW) hematological biomarker as an aid in identifying the risk of severe infection and sepsis in adult patients in the emergency department.

What is Monocyte Distribution Width (MDW)?

Monocyte Distribution Width (MDW) is a severity index marker that measures increased morphological variability of monocytes in response to bacteria, viral or fungal infections. MDW assists in clinical patient assessment: higher MDW values equate to higher relative risk of severe infection in adult patients.

  • MDW, exclusive to Beckman Coulter hematology analyzers, is the only FDA-cleared hematological biomarker that helps to identify severity of infection and risk of sepsis in adult patients in the emergency department.
  • MDW helps reduce diagnostic uncertainty, aiding clinicians in escalation or de-escalation care in patients with suspected infectious etiology.
  • MDW is available early in patient assessment as a part of a CBC with Differential test, no impact to workflow.

Clinical Evidence

  • MDW has been studied for the past decade with more than 16 peer-review publications and over 21,000+ patients1-11, confirming the robustness and reproducibility of MDW performance in different patient populations.
  • The clinical utility of MDW is supported by numerous peer reviewed published studies in medical journals including Chest, Critical Care Medicine and Journal of Intensive Care.

FDA-Cleared Indications for Use

MDW is intended for use with adult patients presenting to the emergency department for whom a white blood cell differential test has been ordered. MDW is measured from a (K2EDTA) whole-blood venous sample within 2 hours of collection. MDW results greater than 20.0, together with other laboratory findings and clinical information, aid in identifying patients with sepsis or at increased risk of developing sepsis within the first 12 hours of hospital admission.

Clinical Evidence References

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Beckman Coulter Diagnostics

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