ACEP Sounds the Alarm on Boarding as a Public Health Emergency
Staffing challenges and burnout exacerbate the crisis and perpetuate a dangerous and sometimes deadly cycle.
“Boarding” in the emergency department is a result of dangerous health system overload that puts patients in a holding pattern as they wait for an inpatient bed or transfer after their initial care.
These delays can last hours, days, weeks, or longer.
Whether part of ACEP's day-to-day work on behalf of its members or a more public event, ACEP leaders are constantly having meetings, conversations, emails and exchanges with all decision makers and stakeholders to help find solutions to this growing boarding crisis that impacts emergency physicians so greatly.
In addition to urging hospital leaders and other stakeholders to address issues that contribute to boarding, ACEP has ALSO asked the federal government address boarding contributors, as well.
Our Boarding Policy Recommendations include, among others:
ACEP has been leading national efforts to address ED crowding and boarding for several decades. Currently we are advocating directly with the White House, bipartisan members of Congress, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders involved in constructive approaches to alleviate the factors that lead to our nation’s boarding crisis.
Research & Publications
Survival Tactics for Emergency Department Boarding (ACEP Now, March 2024)
An Actionable, Visual Dashboard Approach to Boarding (ACEP Now, December 2023)
Can an ED Psych Unit Decrease Hospital Admission And Boarding Time? (ACEP Now, May 2022)
Hospital-Wide Strategies for Reducing Inpatient Discharge Delays and Boarding (ACEP Now, July 2021)
Patient flow through the emergency department (R3 Report | Requirement, Rationale, Reference, The Joint Commission, Issue 4, December 19, 2012)
Association between boarding in the emergency department and in-hospital mortality: a systematic review (PLOS One, April 15, 2020
Emergency Department Crowding: The Canary in the Health Care System (NEJM Catalyst, September 28, 2021)
Boarding Critically Ill Patients in the ED (Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open, July 17, 2020 | DOI:
Evolving Models in Caring for ICU Boarders (Annals of Emergency Medicine, July 08, 2020, DOI:
US Performance on ED Throughput (2006-2016) (Annals of Emergency Medicine, April 14, 2021 DOI:
Critical Care Delivery Solutions in the Emergency Department: Evolving Models in Caring for ICU Boarders (Annals of Emergency Medicine, July 08, 2020 DOI:
The Inpatient Discharge Lounge as a Potential Mechanism to Mitigate Boarding and And Crowding (Annals of Emergency Medicine, January 23, 2020 DOI:
High Impact Solutions Report (American College of Emergency Physicians, Emergency Medicine Practice Committee, May 2016)