1. What documentation is required when billing for laceration repairs?

2. What are common CPT codes for laceration repairs?

3. What documentation is required to report simple laceration repair codes 12001-12021?

4. What documentation is required to report intermediate laceration repair codes 12031-12057?

5. What documentation is required to report complex laceration repair codes 13100-13160?

6. What is the difference between limited undermining in an intermediate repair versus extensive undermining in a complex repair?

7. What is the coding process for wounds repaired with tissue adhesives, such as Dermabond?

8. Is a wound treated with Surgicel coded similar to repairs performed with Dermabond?

9. What if a superficial wound is closed with adhesive strips? Should this be billed for as a separate procedure?

10. Is it possible to bill for multiple wound repairs on the same patient?

11. What code should be used if a wound is debrided but left to heal by secondary intention?

12. When a wound is debrided to the extent that it is a billable service, which CPT code should be reported, 97597 or 11042-11047?

13. Can I bill for follow-up visits and suture removal after performing a Laceration Repair?

Updated March 2024


The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) has developed the Reimbursement & Coding FAQs and Pearls for informational purposes only.   The FAQs and Pearls have been developed by sources knowledgeable in their fields, reviewed by a committee, and are intended to describe current coding practice. However, ACEP cannot guarantee that the information contained in the FAQs and Pearls is in every respect accurate, complete, or up to date.

The FAQs and Pearls are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Payment policies can vary from payer to payer. ACEP, its committee members, authors, or editors assume no responsibility for, and expressly disclaim liability for, damages of any kind arising out of or relating to any use, non-use, interpretation of, or reliance on information contained or not contained in the FAQs and Pearls. In no event shall ACEP be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of such information or material. Specific coding or payment-related issues should be directed to the payer.

For information about this FAQ/Pearl, or to provide feedback, please contact Jessica Adams, ACEP Reimbursement Director, at (469) 499-0222 or

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