Membership is Better Together

Prizes for You, Discounts for Them - Everybody Wins!

ACEP makes it easy for you to find and feel connected to your little corner of our big community. Wouldn't it be great to share that with a friend?

From tools to help you build your CV and mentors in areas that matter most to you, ACEP is the home for all emergency physicians. 

Encourage your friends to join you - every voice matters!

How ACEP+1 Works

  1. Find your unique promo code  - it's your membership number, which is an A followed by 6 digits.
  2. Share it with friends and colleagues who are not current members. If you are unsure, check the membership directory.
    • Choose wisely - the code only works for new, regular members (not medical students, residents, or international). 
    • Just to be crystal clear - the code will NOT work for membership renewals.
  3. Your friends will receive $50 off their ACEP national dues. 
  4. You will be entered into a drawing for each person you recruit - fabulous prizes are listed below.
  5. Your code expires June 30, 2023. We will draw for winners on July 15, 2023.

How You Can Recruit

  • Share your personal ACEP story. What you value most about ACEP and share that in your own words: Friends you’ve made, things you’ve learned, resources you use, fun stories from Scientific Assembly. 
  • Share why you value ACEP during conversations with peers and encourage them to ask questions
  • Forward an ACEP EM Today email, share the latest copy of ACEP Now or Annals and let them know how you found them helpful.
  • Remind yourself of all the great work ACEP does on your behalf.

Need more help? See the helpful ACEP resources below.

Recruiting New to Practice (first three years of membership after Residency or Fellowship)

Recruiting Attendings (Mid-Career)

Recruiting Attendings (Later in Career)

Fabulous Prizes

Make sure your friends use your code when they join. The more friends you recruit, the more times your name will go in the hopper.

Grand Prize

  • ACEP23 Registration, Airfare and Hotel
    (1 winner) 

Pretty Cool Prizes

  • Oura Smart Ring with 1-year membership
    (1 winner)
  • ACEP Membership for 1 Year
    (2 winners)

Also Awesome Prizes

  • Virtual ACEP22
    (2 winners)
  • $100 GrubHub Gift cards
    (5 winners)
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