Physicians Group & Residency Event Space Request

Company Information


Start Time ranges from 6:00 am - 11:00 pm

Ending Time ranges from 6:00 am - 11:00 pm

Seating Set-Up

Food & Beverage

Type of Food & Beverage: Please check the type of service, if applicable. The caterer will work directly with you after ACEP assigns space. You will be responsible for working directly with the facility on all meeting planning arrangements once space is assigned by ACEP.

Meeting Fees*

Meeting Fee Structure*: Payment will not be processed until space is assigned.

Room for 1 to 20 People: $450
(Price after June 10, 2025: $550)

Room for 21 to 50 People: $550
(Price after June 10, 2025: $650)

Room for 51 to 200 People: $800
(Price after June 10, 2025: $950)

Room for More Than 200 People: $1,050
(Price after June 10, 2025: $1,150)

*Fees are for meeting space only and does not include food and beverage.

I acknowledge that my meeting is subject to the aforementioned blackout dates and fees. ACEP reserves the right to make changes to space assignments at any time as necessary for official conference programming (Select I Agree).

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