September 17, 2024

Amyloid-Targeting Therapies for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Perspective for Emergency Physicians

Sunday, September 29
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Location: Mandalay Bay Ballroom H


Danielle Cabral, MD

Symposium Information

The symposium seeks to introduce emergency physicians and other emergency healthcare professionals to novel amyloid-targeting therapies for treatment of early symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease. Use of these novel medications requires treatment monitoring, with specific emphasis on clinical and radiographic (via MRI) surveillance for Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities (ARIA) and Infusion-Related Reactions (IRR). These requirements rely on a multidisciplinary approach involving memory care specialists, radiologists, primary care, and emergency care providers. Emergency care providers and staff play a crucial role in evaluation and management of symptomatic cases of both ARIA and IRR. The symposium will provide an overview of the novel amyloid-targeting agents, their intended indication for treatment of early symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease, the multidisciplinary approach to treatment monitoring, the identification of ARIA and IRR, as well as practical guidance for management in emergency care settings. This is a non-CME program.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduce emergency physicians to novel amyloid-targeting therapies for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Review multidisciplinary approach to treatment initiation and monitoring for patients on amyloid-targeting therapies, including multi-directional communication between team members
  • Discuss Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities (ARIA) associated with amyloid-targeting therapies, including symptomatic presentations in emergency care settings
  • Discuss Infusion-Related Reactions (IRR) associated with amyloid-targeting therapies, including symptomatic presentations in emergency care settings

Commercial Support

Grantor: Eli Lilly & Company

September 29 - October 2

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