PEERprep for Physicians
PEERprep for Physicians is what you need when you’re ready to get serious about ABEM's In-Training and Qualifying exams.
- Maximize your study with over 3,200 high-quality emergency medicine board review questions—more added continually
- Strengthen exam readiness with questions closer to the real ABEM boards than any other emergency medicine board prep
- Learn with over 1,600 detailed images, illustrations, infographics, and tables—more added continually
- Study both the correct and incorrect answer explanations to multiply your knowledge
- Rapidly review the key takeaways with over 2,650 bonus fill-in-the-blank questions based on each question's key points—more added continually
- Attack weak areas with customizable quizzes
- Use anywhere with the new ACEP PEER mobile app
Price for a 1-year subscription:
PEERprep for Physicians offers today’s most comprehensive emergency medicine board review at a price that beats the competition.
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PEERprep for Physicians is also aligned with the Foundations of Emergency Medicine residency program curriculum.
- Foundations 1 includes weekly 20-question quizzes on units like GI, Pulm, Cards, Vascular, Trauma, Peds, HEENT, ID, Neuro, Ortho, Tox, Environmental, Renal/GU, GYN, OB, Endo/Metabolic, Heme/Onc, Psych, and Immuno/Derm.
- Foundations 2 includes weekly 20-question quizzes on units like GI, Pulm, Cards, Vascular, Trauma, Peds, HEENT, ID, Neuro, Ortho, Tox, Environmental, Renal, OB/GYN, Endo, Heme/Onc, and Immuno.
- Foundations 3 includes weekly 5- to 10-question quizzes on topics like physician wellness, AMA and capacity, psychiatric patients, workplace violence, rural EM, EMTALA, the job hunt, physician mental health emergencies, end-of-life care, surrogacy, personal finance, analgesia stewardship, acute RV failure, team leadership, conflict resolution, physiologically unstable intubations, critically ill vented patients, geriatric care, sex-based crimes, cardiogenic shock, residents as teachers, billing and coding, advanced ACLS, bias, medical malpractice, patient-centered communication, child abuse and neglect, special needs children, transgender patients, domestic violence, immigrant patients, handoffs, microagressions and allyship, trauma-informed care, and more.
- ECG 1 includes 6 sections, each with a 15-question quiz, covering STEMIs, ischemia mimics, syncope, bradyarrhythmias, narrow-complex tachyarrhythmias, and wide-complex tachyarrhythmias.
- Orthopedics includes 5 sections, each with a 20-question quiz, covering different types of fractures; various splinting and fracture management techniques; and physical examination maneuvers specific to the hips, spine, and upper and lower extremities.
- Urgent Care includes 14 sections, each with a 5- to 20-question quiz, covering ankle sprain, cellulitis, concussion, conjunctivitis, dental pain, dental trauma, headache, influenza, low back pain, otitis media, rash, sore throat, upper respiratory infection, and urinary tract infection.
A Look Inside
Why PEERprep for Physicians is the most trusted board prep today
The most rigorous EM board prep questions available
On-the-go access to quizzes, simulated exams, and study tools
High-impact visuals enable better retention
Rapid review questions that cover key learning points
Ready-to-go simulated Qualifying Exam included
Create personalized quizzes to strengthen weak areas
More reasons PEERprep is the gold standard for EM board prep
Approved for 145 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM