International Emergency Medicine Section

Be a part of the development of emergency medicine worldwide.

Our Mission: Provide opportunities for physicians in international emergency Medicine.

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Dr. Gillian Schmitz at the ESEM23 Conference

ACEP is supporting the growth of emergency medicine worldwide and is committed to international collaboration.

8th Annual ACEP International Ambassador Conference (PDF)

The 8th Annual International Ambassador Conference took place on October 24th, 2020 online due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. These proceedings describe the aims and objectives of the conference an...

New Application Process for the ACEP Ambassador Program! Apply to Represent Your Country of Interest!

New biannual deadlines for the ACEP Ambassador Program

Ambassador Program

The ACEP International Ambassador Program currently includes 159 ACEP members who represent ACEP and collaborate with local partners in 70 countries to promote improvements in emergency care and the g...

From the Chair

“The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow.” – Robert Tew We live in interesting times. As the world grapples with the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing rem...

ACEP Tiered International Member Dues

The ACEP Section on International EM is happy to announce that the international tiered member dues structure is now live. The previous dues structure limited our international presence countering our...

International Emergency Medicine Operational Guidelines (PDF)

The Section on International Emergency Medicine (Section) is chartered by the Board of Directors (Board) of the American College of Emergency Physicians (College) to provide a forum in which members o...

AMP It Up!

The ACEP Ambassador Mentorship Program matches EMRA medical students interested in global health and emergency medicine with an ACEP Ambassador mentor for one year during which the students help prepa...

ACEP is a Founding Member of IFEM

The International Federation for Emergency Medicine was founded in 1989 via cooperation between ACEP, the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, and the ...

Join an International Medical Response Team

When tragedies occur, members, non-members and other organizations frequently contact ACEP to determine what role or action ACEP is taking to provide relief or coordinate assistance.

Salt Lake City, UT

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September 7-10, 2025

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