Highlights on International Summit 2024
Carol F. McCammon, MD, MPH, FACEP
This year’s International Summit (formerly the Ambassador Conference) was an enormous success, attracting doctors from around the globe. Participants enjoyed ample networking opportunities during the Section Reception and throughout the Summit breaks and lunchtime. Many expressed their appreciation for the chance to meet, converse, and connect with one another.
The panel discussion revealed that so many of the issues we struggle with in EM are universal, regardless of the stage of development of WM or income level of the country. The Panel Speakers represented 12 different countries!
During the topical and regional breakout sessions, many more connections were made, and resources were shared. A recurring theme was the development of a protocol/training in EM that could be globally utilized, and there were some members of the group who have already begun this work or know of someone who has done it.
Please stay alert as we continue to build upon the content of the Summit and work toward finding ways to realize the needs of development of our specialty worldwide.
Many thanks to the Organizing Team, Janae Frye, Halley Albert, Ashley Pickering, and Mollie Pillman for their leadership in this successful ACEP International Event! This event would not be possible without all the International Section members that volunteered their time to make it a successful day of collaboration and building connections!