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October 4, 2023
I’m looking forward to seeing those of you who can make it to Philadelphia for the rapidly approaching Scientific Assembly.
Meet these two GME Wilderness Medicine Fellows, both at University of Vermont!
While on shift, a colleague of mine recently brought up a recent journal article discussing palliative care in austere settings, which took me a little by surprise. I’ve been practicing wilderness med...
My first foray into wilderness medicine started about 20 years ago. I took a summer job as a trip leader for a small leadership organization, and the first part of staff training involved a Wilderness...
September 29, 2023
Marc Cassone, DO, FAWM, DiMM and Justin Gardner, DO, FAWM, DiMM. Elections will be held during our annual section meeting at ACEP23 in Philadelphia, PA.
July 26, 2023
Finding simple wilderness in even the most luxury of settings. It’s been a busy first half of the year between traveling for work and traveling for fun. It’s great to be back on the road again on seve...
Elan Small will be joining the University of Colorado Wilderness and Environmental Section as this year’s fellow.
As wilderness medicine professionals, we are typically familiar with the increasing popularity of ultraendurance sports.
The warm early June sun danced through the low cloud cover as we looked at the river crossing. It was too deep to cross – we had to turn back.
September 23, 2022
As I transition into the role of Chair for our Section this autumn, I wanted to pick up on a topic our fearless leader, Taylor Haston, has focused on these past few tumultuous years: wellness.
September 18, 2022
As the sun set in a fiery display of yellow and orange, the air cooled mitigating the dangers of the oven-temperature conditions and giving necessary reprieve in the harsh open desert.
From late March through May of 2022, a group of intrepid Emergency Medicine physicians traveled to Nepal and joined forces with exceptional Nepali physicians to embark on project CURTAIN (Current Unde...
The case: tick paralysis. The setting: simulation suite. A five-year-old girl presents with rapidly progressive weakness, ataxia, dysarthria, drooling, and urinary incontinence.
Meet Diana Biggs, MD, Fellow at the University of Colorado, at the summit of Mount Rinjani in Lombok, Indonesia.
May 22, 2022
I recently had the opportunity to serve the people of Ukraine as the country endures over 2 months of military attack. Over 12 million people have been displaced from their homes. Many evacuated with ...
I have just returned from the Namib Desert of Namibia after serving as medical director for RacingThePlanet’s 250km self-supported ultramarathon. This stage race had competitors complete a daily marat...
Poor regulation of body heat, excessive exercise, and extreme weather conditions can each be dangerous. What if you combined all of these? Ultramarathon running pushes athletes to their mental and phy...
During stressful times, it’s human nature to want to simplify and return to the basics. During the early COVID lockdown, I turned to the outdoors. It not only felt good to get outside in safe spaces ...
"Never say no to adventures. Always say yes. Otherwise you will lead a very dull life." -Ian Fleming
Meet these Wilderness Fellows: Nicholas Black, UC San Diego; Ashlee Davis, UMass-Baystate Health; Liz Hamilton, Dartmouth Hitchcock; and Cal Staben, Wake Forest
May was Mental Health Awareness Month, and in case you missed it, the May issue of ACEP Now featured articles focused on behavioral health, including The Importance of System-Level Wellness, How to Ap...
October 19, 2021 • Wilderness Section
The Wilderness Medicine Section will be hosting its annual meeting in person during ACEP21 in Boston. A virtual option is also available to section members. Tuesday, October 26, 2021 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM...
October 18, 2021
Hello friends, colleagues, and fellow wilderness explorers! I hope this letter finds all of you doing well as we slide right into the fall months. I’m not sure how time always seems to pass so fast, b...
Participation in ultraendurance races has rapidly gained popularity over the past two decades. Although delayed from the continuously increasing participation rate in marathon running, ultramarathons ...
I pulled into the parking lot, just a glimmer of sun visible in the pre-dawn darkness. Only one other car was in sight, which meant my 4:30am wakeup and 30 minute drive to the Wilderness Information ...