Accreditation Levels - Gold

Accreditation Level 1


Level One defines an ED with policies, guidelines, procedures, and staff (both within the ED and throughout the institution) providing a coherent system of care targeting and measuring specific ED outcomes for older adults that form an overall elevation in ED operations and transitions of care both to and from the ED, all coordinated for the improved care of older adults. Additionally identified physical plant enhancements targeted to improve older adult care can exist.


  • A completed Physician Champion job description template 
    • 1 MD or DO with evidence of 8 hours of focused education for geriatric EM (Please ensure that all submitted geriatric focused education are from within the last three years at the time of submission)
  • A copy of the Physician Champion's official geriatric job description
  • A completed Nurse Champion job description template
    • 1 RN with evidence of focused education for geriatric EM (Please ensure that all submitted geriatric focused education are from within the last three years at the time of submission)
  • A copy of the Nurse Champion's official geriatric job description
  • Nurse case manager, transitional care nurse, or social worker present > 56 hrs/week or equivalent who can assist with patient assessments and transitions of care 
    • Example: up to 28 hours/week can be covered by a social worker. Please list the primary nurse in this role and their information and describe your coverage plan.
  • Interdisciplinary geriatric assessment team includes at least 4 or more roles
  • At least one executive/administrative sponsor supervising the geriatric ED program
  • Patient advisor/patient council

Physical Environment

  • 2 chairs per patient bed
  • Large analog clock
  • Enhanced lighting
  • Efforts at noise reduction
  • Nonslip floors
  • Adequate handrails
  • High quality signage and wayfinding
  • Wheelchair accessible toilets
  • Availability of raised toilet seats

Equipment and Supplies

  • Access to mobility aids (canes and four-point walkers)
  • Access to food and drink 24/7
  • Access to the following 10 supplies 
    View PDF: Equipment & Supplies

Care Processes, Policies, Guidelines and Procedures

  • Required 17 geriatric care processes plus the three baseline required standard of care processes (urinary catheter minimization, NPO status minimization, and physical restraint minimization) from the GED model of care for a total of 20 care processes. 
    View PDF: ED Model of Care
  • Required Documents: 
    • A GED Process Map/Workflow (You can find an example here)
    • Completed Care Process Executive Summary Template for each submitted care process.
    • An official policy document or guideline. This document must be ED and geriatric specific.

Quality Improvement

Outcomes Measures

  • Track at least 5 process and outcome metrics for eligible patients
  • Starting January 1, 2024, Level 1 and 2 GEDs will be required to monitor how long older adults (65 and older) board in the ED while awaiting transfer to an inpatient unit after admission decision is made. For purposes of comparison, GEDs must also monitor boarding for non-geriatric adult patients (age 18-64).


  • Kahn JH, Magauran BG, Olshaker JS, Shankar KN. Current Trends in Geriatric Emergency Medicine. Emerg Med Clin North Am. Aug 2016;34(3):435452.
  • Shaha M, Gmür S, Schoenenberger AW, Gerber FS, Exadaktylos AK. Trends and characteristics of attendance at the emergency department of a Swiss university hospital: 20022012. Swiss Med Wkly. May 21 2015;145:w14141.
  • Carpenter CR, PlattsMills TF. Evolving prehospital, emergency department, and "inpatient" management models for geriatric emergencies. Clin Geriatr Med. Feb 2013;29(1):3147.
  • Keehan SP, Cuckler GA, Sisko AM, et al. National health expenditure projections, 201424: spending growth faster than recent trends. Health Aff. Aug 2015;34(8): 14071417.
  • Keehan SP, Poisal JA, Cuckler GA, et al. National Health Expenditure Projections, 201525: Economy, Prices, And Aging Expected To Shape Spending And Enrollment. Health Aff. Aug 2016;35(8):15221531.
  • Hwang U, Shah MN, Han JH, Carpenter CR, Siu AL, Adams JG. Transforming emergency care for older adults. Health Aff. Dec 2013;32(12):21162121.
  • Hogan TM, Losman ED, Carpenter CR, et al. Development of geriatric competencies for emergency medicine residents using an expert consensus process. Acad Emerg Med Mar 2010;17(3):316324.
  • Carpenter CR, Heard K, Wilber ST, et al. Research priorities for high-quality geriatric emergency care: medication management, screening, and prevention and functional assessment. Acad Emerg Med. Jun 2011;18(6):644654.
  • Carpenter CR, Shah MN, Hustey FM, Heard K, Miller DK. High yield research opportunities in geriatric emergency medicine research: prehospital care, delirium, adverse drug events, and falls. J Gerontol Med Sci. Jul 2011;66(7):775783.
  • Rosenberg M, Carpenter CR, Bromley M, et al. Geriatric Emergency Department Guidelines. Ann Emerg Med. May 2014;63(5):e7e25.
  • Carpenter CR, Lo AX. Falling Behind? Understanding Implementation Science in Future Emergency Department Management Strategies for Geriatric Fall Prevention. Acad Emerg Med. Apr 2015 22(4):478480.
  • Carpenter CR, Griffey RT, Stark S, Coopersmith CM, Gage BF. Physician and Nurse Acceptance of Geriatric Technicians to Screen for Geriatric Syndromes in the Emergency Department. West J Emerg Med. Dec 2011;12(4):489495.
  • Han JH, Zimmerman EE, Cutler N, et al. Delirium in older emergency department patients: recognition, risk factors, and psychomotor subtypes. Acad Emerg Med. Mar 2009;16(3):193200.
  • Tirrell G, Srion J, Lipsitz LA, Camargo CA, Kabrhel C, Liu SW. Evaluation of older adult patients with falls in the emergency department: discordance with national guidelines. Acad Emerg Med. Apr 2015 22(4):461467.
  • Hogan TM, Olade TO, Carpenter CR. A profile of acute care in an aging America: snowball sample identification and characterization of United States geriatric emergency departments in 2013. Acad Emerg Med. Mar 2014 21(3):337346.

Important Application Information

All three Levels of GEDA are operating under the revised criteria that went into effect on June 30, 2023.

Please note Level 1 and Level 2 will undertake boarding care metric requirements on January 1, 2024.

Application due dates (cut-off) cycles:

  • February 5, 2024
  • April 8, 2024
  • June 3, 2024
  • August 5, 2024
  • December 2, 2024
  • October 7, 2024
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