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December 8, 2021
Lacey Menkin-Smith, MD, FACEP South Carolina Chapter Emergency department staff are accustomed to a high-stress environment filled with varying degrees of uncertainty. We never know what may come thro...
Elizabeth Greer, DO I had the privilege of virtual interviewing for Pediatric Emergency Medicine fellowships from the comfort of my home – my sleeping dog next to me and my favorite coffee in hand. I ...
Photo courtesy of Miami Dade Fire Rescue Lillian Lockwood, MD, FACEP ACEP Disaster Medicine Section Secretary and Newsletter Editor Since the building collapse of the Champlain Towers South at Surfsid...
January 14, 2021
The challenges presented by COVID-19 has strained the medical community in vast, diverse ways. Professional work stress due to illness of key staff members, low staffing levels making it challenging t...
Since the inception of the SARS-CoV2 disaster, Emergency Medicine physicians have been responding to the disaster with unprecedented dedication.
Members of the Eastern HealthCare Preparedness Coalition (EHPC) in North Carolina are no strangers when it comes to hurricanes.
The novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has disproportionately affected various regions in the United States. One area, New York City, dominated the press with dramatic stories of death and he...
The ACEP "Unconventional" Conference was, like many things in 2020, new and different but I would venture to say this year’s conference was definitely a success!
June 4, 2020
James Velasquez, MD Wyckoff Heights Medical Center Brooklyn, NY Emergency Medicine Resident I am Native American and a member of the Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe of Southern California. Role in this resp...
How does one even begin this letter? I humbly sit in front of my computer with a thousand thoughts zooming through my brain, with a heart that is overwhelmed with adoration and yet simultaneously bro...
April 2, 2020
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always been an exemplification of exotic. It has maintained an air of historical and cultural romanticism from the stately Arabian horse to the country’s role in the d...
On December 1, 2018 an F3 tornado struck Taylorville, Illinois, a town of 11,200 people located approximately 25 miles southeast of Springfield. A tornado warning was issued at 4:22 pm with a subseque...
Every emergency physician is familiar with the high gear mode that one automatically flies into when that true emergency shows up in the department.
This year's ACEP19 Scientific Assembly brought a wonderful opportunity for the Disaster Medicine Section to collaborate with the Wilderness Medicine Section in a joint pre-conference activity highligh...
Hello ACEP Disaster Section! This is my first newsletter as Chair and I want to take the time to thank you all for the tireless work you have done, and will do for the ACEP Disaster Section.
October 21, 2019
In the early summer of 2018, the US Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) released a funding opportunity announcement for a new program designed “to better identify and address gaps...
Part 2 of a Continuing Dialogue moriber Float-Left Wrapper “FEMA will not save you,” said Michael Brown, former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, at the National Press Club 21 June ...
The Disaster and Preparedness Response committee was off to quick start this year. The committee objectives are determined by the ACEP President and Board of Directors with input from the committee c...
UAVs, unmanned aerial vehicles, otherwise known as drones, are routinely used in many filming situations such as capturing wedding moments, motion picture making, and recording sporting events.
The word “evacuation” seems to bring a general sense of unease to many and sheer panic to others when actually faced with the notion.
This will be my last newsletter as the Chair of the ACEP Disaster Medicine Section. Thank you for entrusting me with this opportunity to steer the section over the last two years.