Letter from the Chair
To my esteemed colleagues,
The ACEP "Unconventional" Conference was, like many things in 2020, new and different but I would venture to say this year’s conference was definitely a success! It was a “first” for sure, but I am very hopeful that next year’s national conference in Boston will be in person. The Mass Casualty Medical Operational Management Course was held virtually pre-conference and went well. Thank you, Dr. Nemeth, for your continued work and effort to provide this pre-conference learning opportunity. I would like to thank all who participated in our Zoom Section meeting. As always, thank you to Pat Elmes who makes everything happen smoothly. This year the Disaster Section had the privilege of awarding the Disaster Medical Sciences Award to Dr. Jacoby. Congratulations again Dr. Jacoby! At the Disaster Committee meeting, Dr. Rosenthal, the outgoing Chair passed the gavel to Dr. Sharon Mace. Congratulations Dr. Mace! A big thank you also to Dr. Rosenthal who has been an incredible leader. For those of you who do not follow the ACEP Disaster Section Facebook page please check it out! We would like to increase our presence on social media. As always, if anyone is interested in writing an article for the newsletter please contact either Pat Elmes, Lillian Lockwood (newsletter editor) or myself.
Unfortunately, this pandemic is not over. I want to first, humbly express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your continued effort to save lives. The field of Emergency Medicine has bore a huge brunt of this burden and your contributions have been heroic. I urge you all to hang in there and be safe. Rest when you are able and if the stress is becoming too much please seek help. We need to take care of ourselves and each other as well. Please remember that.
Kathy Lehman-Huskamp, MD
ACEP Disaster Section Chair