About our Simulation Case Library
Shawn M. Varney, MD, FACEP, FAACT, FACMT
Authored and reviewed cases primarily.
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Medical Director, South Texas Poison Center
University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio, TX
Associate Editor
Michael Cassara, DO, MSEd, FACEP, CHSE
Reviewed all cases and standardized presentation format
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Nursing
Hofstra Northwell Health School of Medicine and School of Graduate Nursing and Physician Assistant Studies
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Specialized Programs in Education
Hofstra University School of Education
Medical Director
Northwell Health Patient Safety Institute / Emergency Medical Institute
Lake Success, NY
Authors & Reviewers
Acute Amitriptyline Overdose
Acute Aspirin Overdose
Chronic Aspirin Overdose
Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose
Acute Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Carbon Monoxide-Cyanide Toxicity (House Fire)
Caustic Ingestion
Clonidine Overdose
Cocaine Toxicity
Cyanide Toxicity (House fire)
Chronic Digoxin Toxicity
Digoxin Toxicity
Diphenhydramine Overdose
Diphenhydramine & Acetaminophen Overdose
Acute Ethanol Withdrawal
Ethylene Glycol Ingestion
Pediatric Ethylene Glycol Ingestion
Hydrocarbon Toxicity
Hydrofluoric Acid Toxicity
INH Overdose
Iron Overdose
Opioid Overdose
Organophosphate Toxicity
Pregnant Patient with Intentional Iron Overdose
Rattlesnake Bite
Rattlesnake Envenomation
Repeated Supratherapeutic Acetaminophen Toxicity
Scorpion Sting
Serotonin Syndrome
Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose
Publisher's Notice
The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) makes every effort to ensure that contributors to its publications, as defined by the United States Copyright Office, which includes, but is not limited to, distribution in printed materials, on the Internet, or in any other medium, are knowledgeable subject matter experts. Readers are nevertheless advised that the statements and opinions expressed in this publication are provided as the contributors' recommendations at the time of publication and should not be construed as official College policy. ACEP recognizes the complexity of emergency medicine and makes no representation that this publication serves as an authoritative resource for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or intervention for any medical condition, nor should it be the basis for the definition of or standard of care that should be practiced by all health care providers at any particular time or place. If drugs are mentioned, they generally are referred to by generic names; brand names might be added for easier recognition. Device manufacturer information, if provided, is listed according to style conventions of the American Medical Association. To the fullest extent permitted by law, and without limitation, ACEP expressly disclaims all liability for errors or omissions contained within this publication, and for damages of any kind or nature, arising out of use, reference to, reliance on, or performance of such information.