August 15, 2024

Letter from the Chair

RSI Section Members,

During the annual ACEP24 Scientific Assembly in Las Vegas, Nevada (29 September – 2 October), the RSI Section is planning to participate in what is sure to be an exciting event, the first-ever Section Hall Crawl. This event will be held at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center foyers on 29 September 2024 from 6-8 pm (PDT), and is an opportunity for our section to recruit new members and connect with other ACEP sections. We are looking for volunteers to help decorate and staff the booth, and welcome any members who are looking to participate in this unique event.

Your RSI section is also completing the final chapter drafts for the ACEP Journal Club Primer, which we hope to deliver shortly after ACEP 2024. Although most of the work on writing the primer has been completed, we can still use additional section members to review and offer comments on the project, so let us know if you are interested in offering your insights to the project.

Other projects in the works include a “Shark Tank”-style research competition in collaboration with EMF, efforts to improve awareness of Research Fellowships available to EM physicians, and the development of a pan-EM Requests For Information (RFI) author directory. We welcome all ACEP members with an interest in promoting research, scholarly activity, and innovation within emergency medicine to join us on these and other projects. As an organization built on the efforts of volunteers, we recognize the importance of individual contributions to our group’s success! With your help, we will continue to advance our specialty in the coming year!

Please consider joining us at our next virtual RSI Section meeting at ACEP and at our in-person RSI Section meeting October 29th at 3 pm at ACEP24. Thanks to all of our Section members who have made 2024 a success , and welcome to those new members who will join us in the coming months!


James Paxton, MD
Chair, ACEP RSI Section (2023-2024)

Further news to expound on Dr Paxton’s Letter from the Chair

The Section Hall Crawl is coming together nicely. This will take place on September 29th from 6:00- 8 pm in place of the opening party at ACEP 2024. Please stop by and win some fun RSI swag and learn more about how you can get involved in our section. We realize this is after our meeting on Sunday, but we would love to see you again that night. Who knows, Elvis may even stop by. Copies of the current PRIMERs will be available. Drink tickets and a DJ will also be there. This is a terrific way to see all the ACEP sections, but we really want to see you at our booth in the Mandalay Convention Center foyer.

So we will continue to work as a section to meet the unmet needs of Research, Scholarly Activity and most importantly Innovation.

Again our annual meeting will take place in person and via Zoom October 29th at ACEP in the Breakers at 3pm Las Vegas Time! Please join us!

Please reach out to our ACEP Support Staff, Marla Payne @ , me or Dr Paxton for any information you may want before then.

Viva Las Vegas!

See you there!

Carol Clark
RSI Section Secretary/Newsletter Editor

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