QIPS Bookclub
These past 18 months have been challenging for all of us caring for patients, managing departments and keeping our families safe. As a token of our appreciation of your hard work and engagement with the section we are ordering “Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness” by Cass Sunstein and Nobel Laureate Richard Thaler. This book discusses how harnessing the power of behaviors gives people more control to make decisions in the long term. As we continue to try and improve quality of care and decrease unnecessary variation, we hope this book inspires new ideas for how to improve care delivery at your institution.
Please indicate your interest in a book copy by completing this link to provide your name, mailing address, and e-mail.
The first 20 people will receive a free book. We will do our best to arrange a time to debrief the text as a group through a virtual book club (or potentially an in person book club at Scientific Assembly).
Rohit Sangal, MD, MBA