March 7, 2025

EMage Contest

If you have a cool case with great images, consider submitting your article to our annual Pediatric EM Section EMage Competition. The deadline for the EMage photo contest is May 15, 2025.

Winners will also receive an ACEP voucher, which can be spent on ACEP products (books, meetings, etc.). First place will receive a $500 ACEP voucher; second place will receive a $250 ACEP voucher; third place will receive a $125 ACEP voucher.

The EMage competition is open to any ACEP Pediatric EM Section member.

Submission Requirements

Please provide a 300-word case description in Word or another editable format. Exotic or highly unusual cases are certainly welcome, but a well-documented and presented routine case with high teaching utility is just as likely to win.

In your case description, add the following information for the corresponding author for ACEP voucher:

  1. Name with ACEP #, if known
  2. Institutional Affiliation
  3. Level of practice (faculty, fellow, resident [PGY level], medical student [year])
  4. Email Address
  5. Images in .jpg or .tiff formats no smaller than 1000x780px

EMage Contest Submission Form


**All posted entries can be re-used or submitted to other publications, but authors will have to obtain permission to do so from the Section.

**Consent must be obtained from the patient or their legal guardian, as appropriate. Permission for use of these images is granted to ACEP.

**Winners will need to fill out a Copyright Assignment Agreement form prior to the article being posted.

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