About Us

Our Purpose

This section provides a great opportunity for you to become a leader in the section and in the area of geriatrics. Section members have been invited to speak at the American Geriatric Society meetings and have collaborated in writing articles on emergency care and treatment of the elderly.

Join this Section Operational Guidelines

Geriatric Emergency Medicine Section Awards Program

The Geriatric Emergency Medicine Section Awards Program has been developed to recognize leadership and excellence in geriatric emergency medicine. The program provides an opportunity to recognize section members for significant professional contributions to older adults that presents to our nation’s emergency departments, as well as service to the College.

Awards Information

Section Objectives

The objectives of the Geriatric Emergency Medicine Section are:

  1. To provide a forum for the discussion of the special needs and issues which relate to the care and treatment of the elderly emergency department (ED) patient.
  2. To monitor, abstract, and disseminate literature concerning the elderly patient (where relevant to emergency medical care).
  3. To better understand the physiology of the elderly and frail elderly, especially as that knowledge relates to patient safety, reduction of adverse drug events, dosing implications, and the like.
  4. To support efforts to prevent injuries and illnesses in the elderly.
  5. To stimulate research in the emergency care of the elderly.
  6. To take a systematic approach to the ED care of the elderly, with an attitude of profound respect for the geriatric patient and a desire to continuously improve ED training and cultural attitudes towards aging, policies, protocols and guidelines, risk stratification, risk management issues, special equipment, prevention of illness and injury, and the impact of the ED environment of care.

GEMS Liaison: ntidwell@acep.org

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