Message from the Chair
Jay Woody, MD, FACEP
ACEP23 is fast approaching, and we have our section meeting scheduled for Monday, October 9 from 7:00 to 8:00 am Eastern time in room 107 A/B of the Philadelphia Convention Center. Please save that date and time. We have secured a time early on Monday for those that come to Council but don’t typically stay for the full educational program. This will be an important meeting as we are making plans on where we will move forward as a section, so, please attend if you are able.
The Freestanding Emergency Center section has provided support and most importantly connections and collaboration in this still somewhat small sector of EM that is becoming more and more commonplace. This is an important organization and has personally supported me over the years. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at ACEP23 so mark your calendar. If you or any potential new members have any questions, please reach out to me.
Jay Woody, MD, FACEP
ACEP23 other highlights: