About Phase I

Begin Your ED Journey with EDDA.

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This phase is designed to lay the groundwork for your success throughout the Academy with a series of courses on topics you need to know as ED Director.

Phase I - January 19-23, 2025 | Orlando, FL

Register Today!

Phase I provides a foundation with topics on:

  • Developing leadership and communication skills
  • Dealing with difficult staffing issues
  • Patient satisfaction
  • Preventing errors and malpractice
  • Productivity and compensation
  • Hospital and physician contracts
  • Content was excellent - plus the fact that it encourages medical and nursing departments to work together as a team - together we can achieve so much more!

  • This course gave me the ability to take examples given here to return and immediately implement without having to reinvent the wheel.

  • Well coordinated and facilitated. Great opportunity for Medical and Clinical Directors to attend together, and to discuss and learn from others.

  • My thanks to everyone involved - probably the most useful conference I have attended in 39 years as RN!

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