Step Into a Leadership Role
You can help guide our specialty into a brighter future by joining the YPS leadership team! In this pivotal time for emergency medicine, your input matters. Our officers voice concerns and suggestions on behalf of their fellow young physicians through ACEP's Council and with communication with the Board.
Open Positions for 2024-2025
The Young Physicians Section is accepting candidates for two open positions on its executive committee:
Chair-Elect (2024-2025)
- Serves as chair-elect, then chair, then immediate past chair (total of 3 years)
- Learns from the current chair and attends all meetings
- Oversees the Young Physician Leadership Society selection and recognition process
Alternate Councillor (2024-2025)
- One-year term
- Represents our section at the annual Council Meeting
- Advances to Councillor after term as Alternate Councillor
Terms start in October 2024. Applicants must be fellows or attendings when they assume the role.
Why Get Involved?
- Influence: Many decisions made by the ACEP Board and Council will affect our careers for years to come. Our leadership team has a voice through Council representation and direct communication with the Board.
- Career Growth: YPS has been a springboard for many leaders in our specialty. Past YPS officers have become ACEP presidents, chapter presidents, NEMPAC board members, and committee leaders.
- Flexibility: Join a motivated and supportive group of peers who understand the demands of a young physician's life. We believe in efficient and enjoyable volunteer work.
- Impact: We create resources to help our peers navigate common challenges, including contract negotiation, job searches, parenthood, mental health, and finances.
How to Apply
Fill out the online form with your candidate statement
Attach your CV
Submit by August 23, 2024
Other Executive Committee Members
The YPS Chair serves as the leader of the section and liaison between the ACEP Board of Directors & YPS. The Chair runs all YPS meetings in collaboration with the staff liaisons, helping advance section priorities. Each Chair has a one-year term and must serve as chair-elect the year before.
Immediate Past Chair
The Immediate Past Chair serves as an officer on the YPS executive committee, advising the new Chair as needed. The Immediate Past Chair serves a one-year term, and must serve as chair the year before.
The Secretary works with the Chair to create agendas and record minutes for YPS meetings, serves as editor of the YPS newsletter and oversees website content in collaboration with YPS staff liaisons. The Secretary serves a two-year term.
The Councillor represents our section at the annual Council Meeting in coordination with the Alternate Councillor. This role serves a one-year term.
Legislative Advisor
The YPS Legislative Advisor stays in tune with EM-related advocacy news and informs the section of new policies and health policy updates. The role is a two-year term that involves writing a legislative update for each YPS newsletter, sent to all YPS members 6 times per year.
Have Any Questions?
Please reach out to James, the YPS Staff Liaison.