5 Reasons to Become a YPS Officer
The Young Physicians Section is accepting candidates for three open positions on its executive committee for the 2022-23 terms: Chair-Elect, Alternate Councillor and Legislative Advisor. Scroll down for descriptions of each role and how to submit your information if you’re interested in becoming a leader in the Young Physicians Section. We’ll be conducting elections virtually this year in conjunction with ACEP22, and terms start in Nov. 2022. Applicants need to be fellows or attendings when they assume the role in order to be eligible for an officer role.
In case you’re on the fence about getting more involved, here are 5 things to consider:
- We’re fun! You’ll join a motivated and supportive group of your peers who agree that it’s totally OK to take calls from the car and have babies on your lap. The life of a young physician is a busy one, and our leaders know how to get work done efficiently and with good humor.
- We have a seat at the table. Many of the decisions made by the ACEP Board and Council will affect our careers for years to come. Don’t you want to have a say? Our leadership team gets to weigh in through multiple channels, including having two spots on the Council (Councillor and Alt Councillor) and staying in direct communication with the Board liaison to our section, who also serves as the Vice President of the Board.
- We’re winners. No really, we are! In 2019, our section was recognized with the Service to the College award for its campaign to support graduating residents. We also won the Best Newsletter award (view article archives). The section awards were not given in 2020 (we can blame COVID for that), but they are back in 2021 and we just found out we received the Service to Section award in recognition of the new initiatives we started in 2020: 1) new education series, EM LIFERS; 2) new and improved YPS website; 3) well-received education session about COVID’s impact on our financial future at ACEP20; and 4) the introduction of the YP Leadership Society, an award program to recognize and encourage up-and-coming leaders.
- We’re connected. Once a YPS officer, always a YPS officer. We’re a close-knit group that stays in touch long after your term, cheering each other on as we navigate our lives and careers. Serving as a section leader is a great way to expand your network of peers who really understand the ups and downs of life as a young emergency physician.
- We’re making a difference. There is one thing that unites all of us, and that’s our problem-solving nature. We want to help. Getting involved in ACEP is a way to make a positive impact because we know we can do more together than we can alone. And it’s not just our advocacy work through the Council and ACEP’s federal and state efforts – we make a difference in smaller ways too. We write articles and create resources designed to help our peers navigate common challenges – contract negotiation, job searches, parenthood, mental health, finances and more.
Learn More About YPS Roles
The YPS Chair serves as the leader of the section and liaison between the ACEP Board of Directors & YPS. The Chair runs all YPS meetings in collaboration with the staff liaisons, helps advance section priorities. Each Chair has a one-year term and must serve as chair-elect the year before.Immediate Past Chair
The Immediate Past Chair serves as an officer on the YPS executive committee, advising the new Chair as needed. The Immediate Past Chair serves a one-year term.Chair Elect (OPEN for 2022)
The Chair-Elect serves as an officer on the executive committee, learning from the chair and attending all meetings with chair. Chair elect is a one-year term that also involves overseeing the Young Physician Leadership Society selection and recognition process.Councillor and Alternative Councillor (OPEN for 2022)
Both the Councillor and Alternate Councillor represent our section at the annual Council Meeting. Each role serves a one-year term, with the Alternate Councillor advancing to Councillor after his/her term as Alt. Councillor.Legislative Advisor (OPEN for 2022)
The YPS Legislative Advisor stays in tune with EM-related advocacy news and informs section of new policies and health policy updates. The role is a two-year term that involves writing a legislative update for each YPS newsletter, sent to all YPS members 6 times per year.Secretary
The Secretary works in collaboration with the Chair to create the agenda and record minutes for each YPS meeting. The Secretary serves as editor of the bimonthly YPS newsletter and oversees website content in collaboration with YPS staff liaisons. Secretary is a two-year term.
How to Apply
Please fill out this online form with your candidate statement and attach your CV.
If we have more than one candidate for the roles, we'll have a virtual election. Interest letters are due Sept. 20, 2022.