Letter from the Chair
Dave Young MD
Chair, Wilderness Medicine Section
Hello ACEP Wilderness Medicine Section members,
I am excited to welcome you all to Las Vegas for this year’s Scientific Assembly. You may have already noticed that our Section Meeting will be at the start of the conference rather than the end. I hope to see you all there, September 29th at 4:00 PM in Oceanside F, Level 2 of the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. We will discuss a number of items, reveal our photo contest winners, vote for our next leaders, and have a great WM educational event.
At the end of this conference, I will be rolling off as the Chair of this Section. It’s been an honor to lead this community over the past several years. Thank you all for what you do caring for people in remote environments and educating others accessing the outdoors on health and safety. Lastly, thank you for being a member of this section and being on this journey with us.
Always my best,
Dave Young
ACEP WM Section Chair