The New Wilderness Olympics
The EMRA Wilderness Committee are happy to present a brand-new event, the Wilderness Olympics, that will take place at Unconventional ACEP 2020.
Olympics? What happened to MedWAR? - As in-person ACEP is now moved to a virtual event, and EMRA MedWAR 2020 has unfortunately been cancelled. Despite the ongoing public health disaster in the world, and being separated geographically, we are hoping to provide an outlet for all wilderness medicine lovers and those interested in some healthy competition.
Okay, so what is it? - Wilderness Olympics is a multi-event competition that will challenge you physically and academically. Think Billy Madison’s Academic Decathlon, only involving a Wilderness Medicine Trivia competition, live wilderness improv station, scenario writing/filming, long distance running, and a team costume competition.
What’s the time commitment? - Time commitment will be relatively minor, only 3 hours at ACEP’s conference and 1-2 days to complete the pre-conference challenges.
Being virtual, we are no longer constrained by limitations on participants, this year’s event will be OPEN TO ALL interested teams (must be EMRA members). But don’t worry, just because we are virtual, we will still make you sweat (in a socially distant and responsible way). See below for additional details and registration information.
Keep exploring and we hope to see you at Unconventional ACEP!
Sign up NOW and submit your pre-conference events by October 15!
Yevgeniy Maksimenko, MD, NREMT-P