Letter from the Chair
Greeting ACEP Wilderness Section! It’s been a long time and a lot has changed in the world. First, I want to apologize for the delay in our newsletter. We were about to publish when COVID broke out and we all were busy trying to figure out the world at that time. It seems like COVID is here to stay and the new normal, so we are moving on and learning what the new normal is.
Now that the weather has changed, I’m sure we are all tired of being cooped up in quarantine. It’s time to be outside! My family just took a trip up to Wyoming and enjoyed spring in the Tetons and Wind River range (see picture). In this era of social distancing, I think the wilderness is likely one of the safest places to be. Additionally, the wilderness is accessible to everyone, and inclusive of everyone, and we can encourage all our friends, in medicine and beyond to enjoy the world around us. I hope as we move forward as a section, we can work to broaden the diversity within our section. Please spread the word to your colleagues and friends that this section is a fun collaborative place within ACEP. We look forward to welcoming new members and learning from our section members.
Emily B Sagalyn, MD, FACEP