A Letter from the Chair-Elect
At this past year’s ACEP Scientific Assembly, we had our first mixed in-person and virtual Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Section meeting. It was successful in that it allowed many members who were not able to come to the meeting, due to the continuing pandemic and individual hospital travel rules, the opportunity to attend the meeting. I hope that we can continue it in the future so that as many of our members as possible can participate in future meetings.
During the past year, the pandemic continued to dominate most of our lives and work. It has been fascinating to see all the studies that have come out looking at hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of COVID or post-COVID syndrome. I would also direct members to look at the post covid return to diving guidelines that have been posted on the UHMS website.
Congratulations to Dr. Samantha Lee, who was elected Secretary/Newsletter Editor, and Dr. Drue Orwig who was elected as the Alternate Councilor at the last section meeting. Also, congratulations to our outgoing President, Dr. Richard Walker, who did an amazing job guiding the section over the last two years.
In other news there has been an update to the ACGME milestones. Congratulations to many of the members of our section who helped update the milestones for the fellowship programs in Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine. It will help guide the education of future leaders in the field.
In all, I want to thank all the membership who continue their hard work during the past tough couple of years and a huge thank you to the leadership of the ACEP UHM section. I hope you all are well, and that I see you at the next Scientific Assembly in San Francisco!