Copyright Assignment Agreement: Submission Guidelines

Does your Submission include material borrowed from another source? If so, you must cite the original source in your Submission. For example, if the information in your Submission is not original, you must secure permission to reuse the material:

  • Figures and Tables (including directly reprinted figures and tables) - figures and tables that have been adapted from or are very similar to previously published figures and tables.
  • Data - data that is directly reproduced from another source, data that has been reconfigured and/or reanalyzed to produce different numbers does not require permission.
  • Long quotations - Each copyright holder has its own definition of what is considered "fair use." It is your responsibility to determine whether the copyright holder will require permission for long quotations.

You must contact the copyright holder (usually the publisher) and request permission to reproduce the material in all formats. These permissions should be secured in written form. Some publishers may require that you obtain permission from the author of the original work. Many publishers have online submission forms for requesting permission that can be accessed from their websites.

Contributors must:

  1. disclose any institutional or commercial affiliations or associations that might pose a conflict of interest or gives the impression of a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted material;
  2. acknowledge all funding sources supporting the Submission in a footnote; and
  3. inform ACEP of any Institutional or corporate affiliations that might constitute an actual or implied conflict of interest after submission of the work occurs.




  • ACEP means the American College of Emergency Physicians.
  • Contributor means "you".
  • Work means an original work of authorship, including any modification or additions to existing Work submitted to ACEP for inclusion in an ACEP published material, whether in print or electronic form.
  • HIPAA means the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, and as amended from time to time.

In order to clarify the intellectual property rights granted with contributions from any person or entity, ACEP must have a Contributor Copyright Assignment Agreement ("Agreement") that has been signed by each Contributor indicating agreement with the terms below. This Agreement is for your protection as a Contributor as well as to protect ACEP's legal interests.

By clicking the "ACCEPT" button below, I agree to the following guidelines, terms and conditions:

  • I will observe HIPAA privacy laws. I will not use real names without written permission.
  • I will obtain a photo release from every person in any photo(s) that I provide in connection with my submission that gives permission to print the photograph(s) in ACEP materials.
  • I will submit only my own original Work. If my Work is created with another person, I will provide full attribution to that party and am responsible for ensuring that I have written permission from that party to provide the Work to ACEP.
  • The submitted Work is intended to educate readers, not to market or sell a specific product or service.
  • I assign to ACEP on behalf of myself (and any other authors), all right, title and interest in the Work. I will retain all proprietary rights, other than copyright, In return for this copyright assignment

ACEP hereby grants and licenses back to me a royalty-free, worldwide limited right:

  • to use the Work for educational or research purposes for myself, my institution or employer;
  • to use the Work, in whole or in part, as the basis for my own further research or spoken presentations, provided that I neither sell it nor encourage others to infringe the copyright;
  • to revise, adapt, or prepare derivative works from the Work;
  • to present such derivative works orally as well as distribute or authorize publication of the derivative works for educational, personal, or other noncommercial uses or for my own professional use; and
  • to make copies of the Work provided the copies are not used in a way that implies ACEP endorsement of a product or service of mine or that of my employer and provided the following attribution is used: © 20XX American College of Emergency Physicians, Reprinted with Permission.;

I understand that this license does not include the right for me to transfer, offer for sale, or sell the Work to any third party.

  • I grant to ACEP a royalty-free license to publish my image, name, biography, and location (i.e. city, state and/or country) in connection with the Work.
  • I understand that neither ACEP nor any of its affiliates, subsidiaries or related companies, nor their respective officers or employees shall be held liable for damages or losses resulting from Work that I have submitted to ACEP. I am solely responsible for any damages to another individual or organization for any claims that my Work infringes upon the proprietary rights of an individual or entity and will indemnify, save and hold harmless ACEP from any such third party claims.

By clicking the "ACCEPT" button, I:

  • signify acceptance of the terms and conditions listed above;
  • affirm that other than materials in the public domain and/or information included in the Work under the Fair Use Doctrine, I have obtained written permission for all previously published and/or copyrighted material contained in the Work and any supplements materials, as well as any other requisite permissions or releases, and will provide ACEP such written releases upon request by ACEP; and
  • affirm that the Work is an original work of authorship that has not been previously published, does not infringe any third party's intellectual property or privacy rights, and does not contain any material that is obscene, defamatory, or libelous.

Copyright Assignment Agreement: Form

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