Message from the Chair
It’s almost been one year since ACEP 2018 and our last Telehealth Section annual meeting in San Diego. In less than a couple of weeks, we will be in Denver and having another one. Please note, our next Telehealth Section annual meeting will be on Monday, October 28, 2019 from 8:00AM to 10:00AM in the Centennial Ballroom E in the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
Since our last meeting:
- The name of our section has changed from Telemedicine to Telehealth and has been officially approved by the ACEP Board.
- Our section has grown in membership and our members continue to be leaders in the telehealth space.
- Several task forces were created to address specific areas and things that needed to be accomplished.
- Our Operational Guidelines Task Force revised changes to our section’s operational guidelines to help make them more current, give more clarity and to help our section be more effective.
- Our Research & Resolution Task Force headed by Dr. Kori Zachrison has reviewed numerous resolutions and working on developing a research repository for telehealth related research and information. Our section has authored and submitted one resolution for consideration at Council in October.
- Our Disaster Task Force, headed by Dr. Aditi Joshi, has been working to identify areas where telehealth may add value during and after disasters to those affected by natural and man-made disasters. Two disaster-related resolutions were written by task force members and they are trying to include the Disaster section in hopes of working together in order to submit these resolutions in the future and perhaps working together to provide telehealth assistance in the future to disaster victims.
- The Practice Guidelines Task Force (PGTF) has developed practice guidelines that have been approved by the section. The goal was to work with others in the space to help identify evidence gaps, determine barriers to entry, propose priority research studies and identify the future direction of Tele-EM including standards of practice, use of new tools, government policy implications and opportunities that could lead to increased adoption. Several members of the PGTF were invited to, attended and contributed to the 1st International Tel-Emergency Summit held in New Orleans in April 13, 2019. A follow-up call was held with other attendees from across the country in August 2019. The group hopes to have a proposal close to being finalized by the fall of this year.
- Release of the White Paper written by our section members that was started and completed under the leadership of Dr. Harmut Gross.
- Regular advisory calls each month.
As you can see, our section has been busy. There are many opportunities for those who are interested in and willing to contribute. I am proud of all the hard work that our members have done and what has been accomplished and excited about what the future brings to our section members and even more excited about all that we can do to help our patients. I look forward to seeing everyone in Denver. Safe travels.