Protocols and Guidelines - Public Accessible
The following web links are listed below to educate our members and others and provide easy access to a variety of tactical medicine / TEMS protocols and guidelines.
The goal is to allow our section members and any of the public to readily access the publicly-available information on this topic.
If you feel that there are additional resources or web links that TEM Section members would appreciate and learn from, then please contact the ACEP TEM Section Chair with your suggestions.
In addition, if any of these links are not accessible (don't work) as listed, then please contact the ACEP TEM Section Chair with this updated information.
Note that more specific protocols and guidelines are available for TEM Section Members only, accessible in the Members-Only section of this website.
Thank you, and enjoy viewing the following links.
- Peoria Area EMS Protocols w/ Prehospital Care Manuals and Forms
- Department of Homeland Security Standard of Care Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS) Protocols-Prehospital EM Care
- Tactical Emergency Casualty Care -TECC Guidelines to Minimize Public Harm
- Tactical Combat Casualty Care -TCCC Guidelines for Medical Personnel
In an effort to promote the field of tactical emergency medical support, some members have elected to provide their protocols for reference to aid in the development of new programs.
CAUTION: The nature of medical care is that it is constantly evolving because of ongoing research and clinical experience, and is often subject to interpretation. The reader is advised that the authors of the protocols and ACEP, its members, leaders, or staff cannot be responsible for the currency of the information or for any errors, omissions, or the application of this information, or for any consequences arising therefrom. ACEP only provides a web-spot for viewing this content and has not reviewed or edited this information in any way and is not responsible for the content.