September 25, 2024
ACEP24 Section Meeting Details
Dear Section Members:
Please mark your calendars and be sure to attend the ACEP Tactical and Law Enforcement Medicine Section meeting, Sunday September 29, 2024 3:30-5:30 pm. Here are just a few of the reasons you should be there:
- Meet and network with your colleagues. Yes, your fellow emergency physicians who crave adrenaline, like to shoot guns, and whose favorite color is multicam
- Discuss critical Section topics such as the admission of non-ACEP members to the TALEM Section
- Listen to our keynote speaker, the tactical medicine OG himself, Dr. Richard Schwartz, as he drops knowledge bombs on the management of junctional hemorrhage
- Hear updates on TALEM from our Section leaders, and crusty war-dog Dr. John Wipfler discussing “TALEM Tools of the Trade.”
- Show your respects as we present the TALEM Section Meritorious Service Award posthumously to FF/Paramedic Adam Finseth, killed in the line of duty while trying to save wounded officers
- Take part in the new ACEP Section Crawl which immediately follows our meeting. Check out what the other sections are up to, or feel free to hang with your TALEM Section leadership as we meet and greet with our fellow physicians and show them why TALEM is not only cool, but a critical part of emergency medicine and public safety
- Support our Section and its ongoing commitment to TALEM advocacy, innovation, research and education, and cheer on our new Section leaders as they take the reins
It has been one of the great privileges of my career having served as the Chair of the ACEP TALEM Section these past two years. In my new role as immediate past Chair, and as a Tactical Medical Professional dedicated to service, I plan to continue to work with ACEP, our new Section leadership, and each and every one of you. I remain humbly at your service, and honored to support you any way I can.
Most Sincerely,
Brian L. Springer