Letter From the Chair
I am both honored and humbled to be stepping in as chair of the Social EM section at ACEP. I became involved with the section early on in its existence when I was looking for opportunities to connect with like-minded people around the country. For me, it has been a place where I can learn about inspiring work, collaborate with others, engage in dialogue around complex issues, and learn from brilliant section members about how to improve my own practice, teaching, and research.
Over the past several years, the number of individuals that have contributed to the section – always with the patient in mind – has been gratifying to watch. In this new role, I hope to expand on what the incredible work the section has done thus far. Specifically, I hope to continue to find ways to incorporate SEM into the broader world of EM. I would also like to build structured ways for section members to collaborate, find mentorship, and gain skills that are relevant across the spectrum of SEM.
I look forward to working with you all and please be in touch if you have any thoughts about the future of the section! – Dr. Moore
P Quincy Moore, MD